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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 06:23 PM


First Published in 1994


Your utilization of a program that promotes itself as delivering fair and unbiased news, yet allows you to continue in this the Sesquicentennial of the War Between the States to use the airways of America to promote and to deliver the Reconstruction Puritan message designed to disguise from the American public the war crimes of Abraham Lincoln and the northern industrialist in the promotional sales of a book, without allowing equal air time for rebuttal by Southern authors like Thomas De Lorenzo, and Stanley Lott, a Black man, and promotions of their books, and the view of Southern folks about Lincoln, then and now, would be fair and unbiased.

However, I surmise that your fear of the debate because of the code that you share with those who proclaim the victory of their ancestors would take away your membership in the club if you exposed the truth about Lincoln. Mainly, because it would lead to so many of them, and to what is really happening in this nation being a direct result of the actions of a man who would suspend the writ of habeas corpus, and gave the order to William T. Sherman  and his men to burn, rape, rob, pillage, innocent old men, women, and children, ordered to leave them with no shelter, no food, no means to defend themselves or fend for themselves; and that they would never have to answer for their actions. A man, at best,  who if he had not been killed, would very possibly have killed himself. A very well-known fact. A man who championed the Corwin Amendment and the Morril Act.

And, possibly, I could be wrong. Just maybe you didn't get a chance to see my request  to hold a  televised mock trial for Lincoln , because I, the son of former slaves, accuse Lincoln of war crimes against the South and America for instituting an illegal act that resulted in the loss of over 600,000 lives, and the destruction of the Constitutional Republic of the Founding Fathers. And because of the loyalty of Southern slaves, and Freed Blacks to their former masters during this epoch; I also accuse Lincoln complicit of the Reconstruction plan to divide and separate the former slaves from their masters and people of the South that has left Blacks in a system of perpetual slavery that is far worse than the condition they found themselves in chattel slavery in the Southland of America.

Let's just see if you've made enough, and can afford to be fair and balanced. God bless you.