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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 08:17 PM


First Published in 1994


The article appearing in this weeks (2/29/12) issue of The Times Examiner titled, "BOB INGLIS CONFESSED HIS CONSERVATIVE "SINS" TO BILL CLINTON" piqued my interest. It appears that Bob remains very angry over losing his Congressional Seat in 2010 and is still blaming his loss on everyone and everything but himself.

According to the former president, Bob "had an epiphany" after falling in the bathroom. The blunt force trauma to his head apparently caused him to have an "epiphany," or "a sudden striking understanding of something," which prompted him to confess his "conservative sins," as if sins were political in nature.

I won't go into all the reasons for Bob's loss, but suffice it to say his constituents didn't agree with him on a whole host of issues, such as his statement that the "southern strategy was racist and wrong," his support of the Cap and Trade legislation, his refusal to support President Bush on the surge in Iraq, and most of all his refusal to articulate his position on illegal immigration. Bob was always on a "listening tour," but never on "here's my position on the issues tour." His biggest problem was on his "listening tours," he didn't listen.

This brings me to my last point, and that is him being: "convinced that he was abandoned and betrayed by his former conservative Republican supporters in the 2010 primary." This offends me most as I was one of his former supporters that "abandoned him"

and an early supporter of the eventual winner of the Congressional race, Congressman Trey Gowdy. Bob is correct, we, who were once conservative supporters of his did abandon him in droves in 2010 as his lopsided

loss proves. However, Bob's "epiphany" is not yet complete, as he is yet to "confess" that we did not abandon him until long after he BETRAYED us.

As for his hating, I'm glad that he no longer hates democrats. I hope that extends to those of us that did not support him in 2010. Hate has no place in politics or anywhere else.