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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 12:25 AM


First Published in 1994


I have been monitoring our political goings-on quite a while but have never seen anything like what we have witnessed in the last three years. Everyone is talking about the HATE being directed at President Trump, but no one I have heard has been willing to come right-out and tell the story as it exists. This hate had its origin long ago before Trump even seriously considered running for President… it would be directed at anyone who tried to reawaken America’s beginnings and “make America great again.” Rand Paul has presented one of the better explanations I have heard. But anyone who tries to tell the real story will be designated a CONSPIRACY THEORIST. We-The-People must not be enlightened.

In the early 1990s I began to get involved with some others who had been looking into things for several years and when I started connecting the dots they made good sense… the conspiracy was not a theory… it was and is a fact. One of the clues was Nikita Khrushchev’s comment November 18, 1958 while addressing Western ambassadors at a Polish embassy reception in Moscow. “We will take America without firing a shot.” A later version said it this way, “We will take America without firing a shot …. We will BURY YOU! We can’t expect the American People to jump from Capitalism to Communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving them small doses of Socialism, until they awaken one day to find that they have Communism. We do not have to invade the United States, we will destroy you from within.” With the Democratic Party’s recent retreat into Socialism it appears they have at least captured the democrats.

The drafting of the United Nation’s Charter was largely the work of Alger Hiss who was undoubtedly the man most involved in helping draft it and laying out the basic procedures for the design and implementation of this world organization.  Hiss was an attorney, born in Baltimore, Md. In 1908; held important positions in U.S. Department of State; convicted of perjury 1950 for having denied he passed Department of State secrets to a Communist courier; sent to prison 1951; released 1954.1 "ONLY TWO SENATORS read the Charter of the United Nations when it was brought back from San Francisco by the COMMUNIST Alger Hiss and BOTH OF THEM VOTED AGAINST IT."2

We are still dealing with the United Nations agenda to eventually morph into a global government; the following quotation will reveal how long the global warming scare-tactic has been floating around: “An article in the Birmingham News on page 3, Friday November 13, 1998 stated that acting US Ambassador to the United Nations (A. Peter Burleigh) had signed The Climate Change Treaty. The treaty is a direct result of Agenda 21 held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. …. The Clinton Administration has agreed with the United Nations that the activities of man (anthropogenic) are interfering with the climate systems of the world. The (almost) established world governing body, the United Nations, has also concluded that the processes of nature must be controlled.”

One doesn’t hear much about the United Nations these days and I think that’s because much of what that organization was to accomplish has been achieved or is in process. The Clinton administration moved strongly in this country to accomplish the environmental controls advocated. The general idea is to restrict and eliminate personal property ownership because property is owned by the world, not by nations. Our personal rights in this land of the free have been greatly reduced and laws to further reduce them are being proposed. William F. Jasper’s “Global Tyranny Step by Step” (1992) included this comment in its introduction: The true, imminent danger to America and to all nations seeking peace and good will stems from widespread acceptance of the monstrous falsehood that in order to live in an “interdependent” world all nation-states must yield their sovereignty to the United Nations.3

Today’ Democratic Party is obvious in its socialist approach. Is this the result of some conspiracy? In 1971 Gary Allen wrote a book titled None Dare Call It Conspiracy that attracted much attention. It is said that Ronald Reagan bought many copies for distribution to his associates. Also in 1971 Larry Abraham, who had worked with Allen on his book, published Call It Conspiracy. The second chapter of Larry’s book is titled: “Socialism – Royal Road to Power for the Super Rich.” Both books are well documented and discuss the basic workings of the global network of Insiders determined to wield power over all nations in the coming New World Order. A couple of quotes from Call It Conspiracy:

FDR once said, “In politics nothing happens by accident. If it happens you can bet it was planned that way.”4

During U. N. planning the following was published: “Great popular support for the United Nations should be built up, well organized and fully articulate. But it is also necessary to do more than that. The opposition should be rendered so impotent that it will be unable to gather any significant support in the Senate against the United Nations Charter and the treaties which will follow.”5

Please do not think of the United Nations as just some organization designed to bring nations together to work out individual problems. Following WWI there was a strong movement to establish the “League of Nations.” Fortunately our Congress at that time was not deceived and refused to join. Following WWII the push was to create the second league-of-nations, called the United Nations. This Congress was not so smart: the fear of ‘atomic annihilation’ was used to convince us we needed this international bureaucracy, whose goal has always been world governance, which Nimrod (see Genesis 10-11) would have created had God not intervened with language changes. But the goal has continually been sought; Rome almost succeeded, Hitler tried, etcetera.  

A booklet, The New World Order: chronology and commentary, published by The American Research Foundation, Inc. Authored by Dennis L. Cuddy with editorial notes by Robert H. Goldsborough,  chronicling elements, from 1902 through 1991, leading up to the development of the United Nations and beyond. Dr. Cuddy Senior, Associate at the Department of Education under Ronald Reagan, has written many books on this topic. On page 3 of the booklet he quotes President Woodrow Wilson as having written: “…. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”6    

Bit-by-bit, inch-by-inch, our liberties are being taken from us and we have been letting it happen. President Trump is working to restore some of those liberties. He is standing in the way of that power FDR and Woodrow Wilson spoke of. The guns have to go! Free speech is on its way out! Christianity is too restrictive! If you aren’t Progressive you might have to go! Think about it! Tell a lie big enough and long enough and the people will believe it—Socialism is great!

1- Compton’s Living Encyclopedia

2- Quoted from Tom Anderson's Straight Talk dated March 14, 1996.

3- Global Tyranny Step by Step –The United Nations and the Emerging New World Order

4- Chapter I, page 8

5- Chapter V, page 96

6- Wilson’s comment written for The New Freedom