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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 10:18 PM


First Published in 1994


I think I’m pretty much like everyone else these days, trying to figure out the best way to avoid becoming a victim of the dread coronavirus invisible army. Being well beyond seventy I am in one of the most dread positions; that is unless I had some of those hydroxychloroquine tablets ready and available. I guess a lot of folks like me are in the same boat and wondering why these life-saving medications aren’t on every doctor’s shelves. I checked my local pharmacy the other day and was told they are on back-order – arrival time unknown.

I think President Trump and his team of professionals are doing a good job under the circumstances, but I am very upset at the size of Congressional Bill number three with the Democratic boondoggle add-ons. I hope democratic voters think about that in November and give Pelosi her walking papers; along with a few others. I hope, and I expect, a lot of folks are getting in a lot of praying during the lock-downs. Crisis usually has that affect; too bad a lot of us don’t think about it and offer a few thank-yous in the good times.

I don’t know what most folks think about the way China handled the whole situation but I’m not quite sure it was an accidental mistake. I don’t know if it’s true but a friend told me that Bill Gates owns the patent on the virus. I didn’t know anyone could patent nature, I thought you could only patent something you created. I wonder who has the patent on gravity. Seems like our world is upside down from what our Founding Fathers created.

The big question is just how far can we go financially with efforts to control the impact of the pandemic and how much destruction can we inflict on our Constitution in the process. Unless we are extremely careful we will give the government powers beyond our ability to retake once the crisis is over. We are very carefully walking the tightrope between life and liberty. We have a swamp within our government that doesn’t want to be drained and will inflict any damage necessary to insure its continued existence; a few more dead conservatives, no problem!

Over the years we have grown accustomed to flu-shots, acknowledging that a certain number of us will not make it through the season. Some of us even choose not to get the flu-shot; after all, they never know which shot to give us anyway. But this coronavirus seems to be a totally different situation, it’s a global pandemic and the news we are getting is confusing and uncertain. Maybe it might even get me, so I’d better go along with the professional experts who seem to know what they are doing.  But which expert do I listen to? One of them says one thing and another says something else…then another is disputing them both. Decisions, decisions? Shall I just flip a coin? Maybe the lock-down would be a great time to pick up and dust off that Bible you’ve been neglecting. Take a look at 2 Timothy 1:7.