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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 12:26 PM


First Published in 1994


America will make a decision this November (2020) whether or not she wishes to remain the “home of the brave and the land of the free.”

I’m sure the Democrats say they will insure this home of the brave and the free if you elect them. I’m just as sure that if you do elect them you will never see another free election in this nation. For many years we have watched as both political parties worked to grant more and more power to the federal government, and as silently and unobtrusively as possible removed from we-the-people one freedom after another; passing laws they said were for our benefit. And if they couldn’t get a law passed they would introduce some new regulations to accomplish their goal.

Your freedom to use your property as you might want was taken by provisions to protect the environment of some bug or frog. The clean air act and the clean waters act also put restrictions not just on manufacturers but also on private property owners. Many property owners have been surprised by government officials informing them they cannot build on their property because of some ruling or regulation they had no idea existed. Farmers might be prevented from grazing their cattle in an area because some river runs through it. A 1990 Justice Department Directive declared: “It is the Department’s position that no advance notice or opportunity for an advisory hearing is statutorily or constitutionally required prior to the seizure of property, including real property,”1

We are currently seeing constitutionally granted rights being totally ignored by federal agencies in their efforts to find a means to remove a duly elected President. And the coronavirus pandemic has been used to ignore many of the first, second and fourth amendment provisions of the Constitution. Many of the laws on the books and especially the regulations bureaucrats have read into them would not pass a constitutional examination. Most citizens are ignorant of the laws and the sneaky inserts put into them in support of some congressperson’s agenda. I recently heard a commentator state that we all probably break four or five laws every day just living our normal activities. And, have you ever wondered why it takes two thousand or more pages to create a law when our Founding Fathers created our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution on less than 20 pages? Some people think bigger is better, I’ve always thought simpler worked better. Too many lawyers in the Congress, too much lawyerlize in their writings. It just takes a lot of explanations when you are trying to justify that which is unjustifiable, which defines most of the laws coming out of Congress. A major illegal act they keep repeating is spending money they don’t have. When you and I write checks for money we don’t have we usually get arrested. Congress just prints more counterfeit dollars for our grandchildren to make good.

Since what we are really talking about here is an election coming up in November: if you really think the government can support you, provide you a home to live in, a car to drive, food for the table they have furnished, clothes for you kids’ graduation, and a smart phone for everyone, vote democratic. If you would rather be free to work and provide all of the above and any other dreams you might have, vote for President Trump’s reelection and vote for Trump supporters for House and Senate seats, give him the support he needs to do the job you want him to do, SAVE AMERICA! He is the best chance you’ve got, but he can’t do it alone! You might also want to be putting up some prayers on his behalf during the interim.   

1. Page 16 “Lost Rights; the destruction of American liberty” by James Brovard