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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 12:26 PM


First Published in 1994


I did not know George Floyd, nor do I know the policeman who killed him. But I do know this nationwide protest was a pre-planned movement waiting for any action that could be used as justification. George Floyd just happened to be that action. The assassination of a sitting President (JFK) did not generate any kind of a protest against murderers or against federal agents assigned to protect the President or against the Texas Police assigned against an assault.

But since George happened to be Black and the policeman happened to be White the racist flag could be raised and the riots started. I said riots not protests; and I guarantee you another George’s money(George Soros) is behind much of what we are seeing. For three and a half years we have watched as the Democratic Party and the Major Media, along with a number of Soros funded organizations, have used all their resources to unseat an existing elected President, who has done more for the preservation of American liberty than any President since George Washington. He has kept his promises in spite of their efforts to stop him. His efforts to drain the Washington Swamp have been proceeding (more slowly than we might like), and the Swamp Masters had to come up with something even stronger than the coronavirus pandemic. The essential goal of his protagonists is the destruction of the American Republic and its replacement with a merger into the New World Order. The U. S. Constitution will no longer exist and freedom will yield to an elitist control over everyone’s life… except the elitist rulers, who will tell you when to go to bed and when to get up, when to walk and when to ride, when you may be born and when you will die. Maybe you think they will provide you with a house to live in, a car to drive, food to eat, clothes to wear, free entertainment, etc. Who do you think will be working to create all that? The government? No way! Even a half-wit knows the government creates nothing; except debt for someone else to pay.

A white cop killed a black man and created chaos. What would have happened if a black cop had killed a white man? Oh, the cop would probably have been arrested. He might even have been charged with manslaughter, but there would have been no protest marches, not even in the city where it happened. You see, in today’s culture only white people can be racists, and of course white Christians are most always racists. Democrats seem to play the racist card at every opportunity, although they are the first to tell us how well they treat the minorities. They’ve been telling us that for the last thirty or forty years, even though nothing really changed much for the minorities until President Trump took office. You see, they didn’t want minorities to learn how they were being kept dependent on government hand-outs so they would keep voting for democrats. It’s the old you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours game. Democrats play it much better than republicans.

If you have been watching any of the videos of the many “protests” you know they are just excuses for theft and violence and destruction. Most of the activists are wearing the masks required under the Covid-19 rulings and will not be recognizable for legal prosecution. They carry signs, “we want justice for George Floyd,” but where is the justice for the thousands of people whose property they are destroying or for the deaths their actions create? THEY CARE NOTHING FOR JUSTICE! THEIR GOAL IS THE DESTRUCTION OF THE NATION WHOSE LIBERTY GIVES THEM THE RIGHT TO “PROTEST.” The liberty their actions will destroy! We hear our democratic friends shouting, “we are one” while we watch them work to divide and conquer. We are engaged in our second civil-war, but most of our citizens are denying its existence.