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Wednesday, July 17, 2024 - 04:55 PM


First Published in 1994


Salti Sez 095638The most important vote since Abraham Lincoln will take place next Tuesday. We listen to the polls and hear the predictions as to who will win…no one knows…but God. We may have told Him too many times that we don’t want Him messing with our lives – then the Democrats win! Or maybe enough of us still honor Him – then He gives us one last chance and lets the Republicans and Trump win. Even if Trump wins we conservatives have to hold control in the Senate and take control in the House; if this happens we may have sufficient control to save our nation and put the Ship of State on smooth sailing. We have been sleeping much too long. We failed to listen to the wake-up calls we were given in the 1930s and following, and our Christian Pastors, for the most part, failed to serve as watchmen on the wall, essentially leaving us to be sheep without shepherds. They should have taken lessons from their Black-Robed Brother Pastors of the seventeen hundreds. I’m a pretty old salt and whichever turn the election takes won’t make much difference in my life, I’ll be counting the bells before long anyway. But if the election takes the wrong turn the children, grandchildren and great grandchildren will never know the kind of freedoms and opportunities you and I have had. That great privilege will have ended. Whether you believe it or not this vote is a vote for good or a vote for evil, it is not just a political exercise that can be corrected next time if we happen to make a mistake. It will most likely be the last time you get to vote if you make that mistake. The Constitution the Left abhors will find its way to the “round file.” No more free speech, no more second amendment, no more free thinking. Welcome to Orwell’s 1984.