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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 10:18 AM


First Published in 1994


SALTY SEZ Behold the SwampSome of our favorite conservative personalities sometime make a comment like; “I think most people out there are really good and want to do good.” But when we read the Scriptures that’s not what they tell us. It’s not scuttlebutt when the Bible tells us that most of us are pretty bad characters unless we have had the second-birth of coming to know Jesus. Even then we can be pretty bad if we aren’t careful, since we still have our fallen nature within us. I know personally that it’s quite easy to justify something if I want to participate badly enough. Later I’ll go back and apologize to the Lord and He’ll forgive me…sometimes over and over again. We often say, “I wish Adam hadn’t eaten that forbidden fruit,” but I expect I’d have taken a bite myself if I’d been in his position. We have to recognize that man’s (generic) nature is to sit on his own throne and live the way he thinks is to his advantage.

After all, Adam was told he would be like God if he’d just take a bite. Quite a temptation! Our Founding Fathers were a pretty wise group. They gave us a Constitution that provided a government sort of hemmed in by the Ten Commandments. They gave us three branches; the Legislative, the Executive and the Judicial, each of which was to be held in check by the other two and the American people. I’m afraid we – the American people – sort of missed the boat, we stopped paying attention to what was going on within the three branches; we started letting them ignore bits and pieces of the Constitution. Oh they always had good justifications for what they were doing, told us it was for our benefit (they always say that) -- and WE let them build the Swamp. President Trump has found it to be a little deeper than he thought it was. One thing the Swampees seem not to remember: they are usually the first the swamp devours.