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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 10:22 AM


First Published in 1994


Salti Sez 11 30 083300What happened to the Durham Probe? What happened to Bill Barr and the FBI cronies? What happened to Justice!? Where are the Statesmen?  Are all and everything mired, immobile in the political Swamp? Is this the way America dies? Is this the way that Shining City on the Hill goes dark? I know millions of Americans are asking these and other questions, feeling helpless to pick up the pieces and restore sanity to an insane nation controlled by a wealthy few. When a State with 300,000 people casts 500,000 votes should we not question where the extra 200,000 came from? When a precinct presents a stash of 100,000 votes all for the same individual do you not have questions? Anyone with a grain of common sense knows that the November 3, 2020 presidential election was rigged to elect an unelectable candidate who will do whatever he is told to do. The days of We-The-People will become history. We are already seeing this in States under Democratic rule, and some RINOs (Republicans-in-name-only) are pushing for the same. But we did not get here overnight! You and I and the American public (and most of our churches) closed our eyes and shut our ears when they took Christ out of our schools, we failed to act when they ruled it was legal to kill babies, and we just shrugged our shoulders when they promoted same-sex marriages. God told us in His Word that all these behaviors are anathema to Him and we did not listen! Maybe now we will hear Him.