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Wednesday, July 17, 2024 - 04:49 PM


First Published in 1994


Salti Sez 2020 11 20 110327The voting’s over, at least it’s supposed to be. Now we are waiting for the check-up. I’m finding it hard to figure out what’s going on with the American people these days. I guess they’ve grown too accustomed to the easy life and most of them don’t seem to know or respect how they got that easy life anyway. A lot of men and women died so they could have the privilege of voting. Veterans Day came and went and I wasn’t overcome by the honor given them by the politicians. There are many things that happen that I don’t like but most of them I can live with. The hardest to accept is the life-long politicians who have grown rich at the taxpayers’ expense while doing nothing to profit the taxpayers and much to belittle them. But the American political swampees are too busy and unconcerned. Their actions reflect the fact that their knowledge of our history lacks a lot of truth. The dying of our soldiers began in the American Revolution and has been continued in many wars following: for what? To protect the Constitution and the freedoms it provides for the greatest nation ever conceived by man – with God’s help.

It seems that most of our politicians want to do things their way and let God keep to the churches. Some of them even think they can control the weather better than God. They ought to look in the scriptures and see where God stopped the rain for three and a half years: “Elijah was a man of like passions with us, and he prayed fervently that it might not rain; and it rained not on the earth for three years and six months.” Brother James tells us in 5:17 (ASV) Christ himself quoted this according to Luke 4:25. Talking about truth: you guys know who the father of Lies was, don’t you? Some call him Lucifer, some say Satan: the fact that Lucifer means light (bright, not less heavy), but he’s sure not telling us truth these days, if he ever did. He even lies better than the democrats and most of the Media. They still haven’t figured out who was elected President on November third, of course Biden and the Media keep telling us he won. I hope that turns out to be a BIG lie! Which it is, even if it can’t be proved. I remember my good old granddad telling me over and over to always tell the truth, which I’ve tried to do but I foul up every once in a while, sometimes it’s more polite to just not say anything. About the election, I’m still hoping and I’m still praying, like most of y‘all I spect. God bless!