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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 12:26 PM


First Published in 1994


SALTI Sez Gonna Be SorryWe let the Democrats steal the election and didn’t have enough Republicans to fight the steal. Didn’t have enough honest men and women in the Supreme Court to take needed action. Think there is something perhaps blackmailing members of Congress and the Court? Or is it only the money they get from the Swamp? We know, they know and the world knows that the election was rigged, and our Government doesn’t have the honesty and the gut to enforce the Law. We exchanged the best President since George Washington for the weakest and most dangerous couple we could have found to fill the job. We’re gonna be sorry.

I don’t know how long it will take those who voted for them to find out just how sorry – but I think it will be fairly soon. When gasoline reaches $5. Per gallon and household heating and air condition costs double they will begin to get the idea. Then there will be some tax increases and the coal mines will shut down and jobs will vanish and they will understand better. Our Scriptures tell us it isn’t wise to trade the long path home for the short-term pleasure path. They also tell us that we can’t worship two masters, we can take God or we can choose Mammon, we can’t choose both. Some folks say the Bible says money is the root of all evil. That’s not exactly what it says, it says the Love of money is the root of evil. We have a lot of money-lovers out there these days, and many of them think they should be rulers of the world. Soros for sure and maybe Bill Gates and a few others. And money-lovers are never satisfied, if they have a billion they want two billion – then four, then eight, etc. With more than they could live to spend they keep on hoarding.  I had to memorize a poem back when I was in the seventh grade; I’d like to quote a couple of lines for you: “…we get back our mete as we measure, we cannot do wrong and feel right, nor can we give pain and gain pleasure, for Justice avenges each slight…”* This poem was written in an America that most of us would not recognize and expresses a culture the likes of which one seldom sees today.


*Nobility by Alice Cary