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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 02:19 PM


First Published in 1994


Salti Sez 02 01 21I see these stupid land-lubbers have taken over the Ship of State and aimed it at the Swamp and the shoals, determined to sink it and the freedoms it carries. This shouldn’t be a surprise to the voters and the Media that elected them, they plainly stated what their programs would be if they could get the power. And they are moving rapidly to accomplish those goals. States that have patriots in their governorships and their legislatures need to join forces in their efforts to retain the rights the federal Constitution says they have. Citizen patriots need to let their State officials know they will support such efforts.

Notice my bald head? Covid-19 finally went to my head. It’s a hassle to get in to see my barber and I had to give some amateur a chance. I noticed Nancy Pelosi had no trouble getting her haircut. Can you believe one little Chinese virus has affected almost every aspect of our lives, and others around the world. This is only the beginning of what is being planned. Why do you think they are “making” us wear masks (that actually do no good) and are limiting the number of people who can gather in a given area? They are preparing us to accept whatever law they wish to impose, getting us accustomed to obeying them. The elite core that actually control the many governments knew they could not take America from the outside, so they infiltrated our educational system, our political system and many of our commercial systems. Slowly they corrupted those systems. The 2016 Presidential election was designed to elect Hillary Clinton, but Donald J. Trump came along and became the monkey-wrench in their plan. Now we have the fraudulent 2020 election and the enemy has the absolute power they were working for. Remember the adage “power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely”, and think about it.