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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 06:22 PM


First Published in 1994


Simon Sez 2 15 21Everyone with a grain of common sense knows that the 2021 presidential election was “fixed”. Proofs are everywhere. The recent video by Mike Lindell shows those proofs, which the media is calling conspiracy theories.  FACTS are not THEORIES and the facts of the cyber theft of votes by China, among others, was clearly demonstrated and supported by expert technologists. The Democrats know this and the Republicans know this. The Supreme Court knows this and the voters know this, yet no one with power status is brave enough to acknowledge what they know to be true. They are more willing to accept the known lie and destroy our nation than to fight for the freedoms that built our country. What can instill such fear into the hearts of so many? The powers that be have been seized by the Devil himself and they will rue their choice when they stand face to face with the Lord, which everyone must do. 

The downhill slide is going to be rough, especially for Christians and conservatives. At the moment we are watching as an unelected President is selling our nation to the Chinese, who profess to be our strongest enemy. Our true enemy is the acting President and the Democratic Party, and those unelected media personnel, their supporters and a former President who vowed to drastically change America. Many of us are praying that God will intercede and reveal the truth in such a way that it cannot be denied. But we have been telling Him in many ways that He is no longer welcome in these United States of America and this may be the way He is calling our attention to His presence – we can’t have it both ways!