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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 08:14 PM


First Published in 1994


SaltySez 2021 02 22 080842Well, we’ve sure had a case of WHAT’S THE WEATHER DOING? We are seeing weather conditions unlike any in most people’s lifetimes. Even the so-called weather experts who were preaching “we have to change the climate to save the world” are now finding it hard to sell their climate-change ideas. And Texas’ shift to wind-power generators has shown itself to be lacking; frozen wind towers just don’t turn too well, while thousands of Texans spend days without power in homes without heat.

I remember a time not too far back when our “experts” were talking about a coming ice-age, which they’ve switched, and now call for a heat reduction lest all the ice melts and floods our coastlines – and lets the poor polar bears all drown. Strange isn’t it, how they manage to always have a proper crisis to support their agenda? I think the policy is: “If you see a crisis, take advantage of it, and if there is no crisis, create one.” They’ve been doing it for years, and we’ve been letting them get away with it. Most of these young upstarts are too young to remember the crisis created by nuclear experimentation – if we kept going that way we were going to blow-up the world. Eventually that scare-tactic lost its force and they brought in the term “sustainability,” claimed we would have to stop using our natural materials, like gas and oil, or there would be nothing left for future generations. In other words they were wiser than the God who gave us those resources; He just didn’t give us enough for everybody.

I’ve noticed there has been an increase in earthquakes and volcanic actions around the world in these latter days, and I think perhaps God is showing us He knows how to control natural happenings better than we do – including the weather. You know, His word tells us He reveals some things to us before they happen, so that when they happen we will know He means what He says and says what He means. I just don’t think those whippersnappers can do that. If they could they wouldn’t be in Congress, they would be at the race track.