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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 12:27 AM


First Published in 1994


Salty Sez Are You EqualThe Equality Act just passed by the Democratic House does everything to prove that you, the average American citizen, are not equal to the elitists running the country. I don’t know details but I’m sure it points out that Christians can’t come up to the proper standards. If you know anything you must know that individuals are born unequal. God has seen fit to create everyone, and everything different. This way the world is populated with great variety. It is this variety that has allowed mankind to move up the ladder in ways that would have never happened had humanity been equalized creatively.

Even identical twins have a few differences, and I’ll give you a thousand dollars if you can find two oak leaves that are exactly the same. Some of us are stronger than others, some are more intelligent, some are better speakers, some are athletic, others may be poetic – just look around, you will never find pure equality in nature. The Scriptures tell us we will always have the poor with us. Did you ever think if there were no poor many people would not work to become less poor and many inventions and industries might not exist. If everyone had been happy with horses, cars might not have been invented. Now, certain people have decided it’s up to them to correct God’s mistake and make everyone, other than themselves, equally provided for. –  meaning equally poor. Are you ready for this? That’s where this Law will take us.

 My generation failed to ensure that future generations were given the education they needed to preserve this castle on the hill called America. We let our education system begin to teach anti-Americanism when we let them take prayer out of schools. We were not paying attention when they took Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Lincoln, etc. out of the history books. And we didn’t notice the modernism moving into our churches, which we turned over to the government for a greed called 501c3. I doubt any teacher in a public school today would recognize the image I’m holding above. It’s a page from the first grade school primer used in 1777 – In case you can’t read it, it’s the beginning of the abcs: A= In Adam’s fall we sinned all; B= Heaven to find the Bible mind; C= Christ crucify’d for sinners dy’d . Does that sound like the Founding Fathers wanted to separate the school from the Bible? Sounds more like they wanted to give their children an early start in Bible reading. The Devil’s been working a long time to take down the most Christian nation this world has ever known, and he’s using the same old tactics he employed with Eve  – “You can be like God.”

Of course this is not the kind of equal this Law is considering. Certain factions of human nature have been excluded from certain arenas. They were, in normal terminology, discriminated against. Our discrimination against Blacks was a serious error in most cases but this problem has been essentially solved. I can recall when the term discrimination was a positive term; if I discriminated against a poorly built piece of furniture I was doing a good thing. And when I might discriminate with some associates who were robbing a bank that was quite proper. A government of the people should offer its services equally, but under our law it has no right to decide what and who I may choose to discriminate for or against. This law being considered would deny me of my right to discriminate. They want to tell you and me what we must think!