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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 02:22 AM


First Published in 1994


Salty Sez 03 15 075749If things are going like I think they are going life for Christians is going to get pretty rough on this old globe. They will end up bad for non-Christians who think they can handle God’s universe better than He does. I would like to ask a question: you don’t think that watch on your wrist just collected all its parts and made itself do you? Then why think the universe collected its elements and built itself, putting the earth in exactly the place it has to be for life to survive? There had to be outside intelligence employed for the watch to be made and for the universe to form. Man has the intelligence and the ability to make the watch.

While, in spite of what we may think, only God has the ability to build a universe. Then to prove that He built it He wrote a book, through the hands of sixty men over a period of a couple of thousand years, to tell us how He created the world and how we should live in it. Whether one believes or doesn’t believe there are certain factors that everyone has to face. The book He wrote contains all the answers men need to find the peace they say they want but which they strive to destroy. If the Ten Commandments we stripped from the walls of our schools were honored and obeyed, peace would prevail. An honest look at history shows us that when we ignore the lessons in His book peace flees from us. When we decide we know better than God how to run things we always screw them up. Some people think God is all about love and will take care of us in spite of ourselves. God is love, His book tells us so. But it also tells us He is just, and unless one accepts His cure for our sins He has loved in vain. That cure? Accept the free gift of His salvation Grace; that Jesus Christ paid our sin debt on a cross on Calvary some two thousand years ago. We now seem to be living in the time His book calls the end times. That can be pretty scary unless you’ve read and believe what His book tells us about those times. If you know Jesus and trust in Him you can say with Him, Amen, come Lord Jesus!