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Tuesday, July 2, 2024 - 04:17 AM


First Published in 1994


Salty Sez - Free Money?Who rules the world? I am ruminating past history trying to figure out how we got to where we are. Growing up in a small southern town I recall a small grocer one block from the house, a Methodist church one block in the opposite direction. Three to four blocks away was a drug store and a café. A couple of blocks from there was a Southern Baptist church and in a couple more a primary grade school. Downtown was in walking distance and there were a couple of movie theaters, a Kresge’s five & dime store, an F. W. Woolworth’s, a Bank, a couple of small department stores, a newsstand and several other businesses including a small furniture store owned by my grandfather. Most of these were locally owned businesses employing local citizens. The schools were locally run by the town with no governmental finance nor interference. I had kinfolk out in the country working a small farm in an area of other small farm owners.

Over the years and especially after WWII the smaller businesses were being swallowed up and remodeled or enlarged by outside interests. The smaller stores and small farms began to close or sell out because they couldn’t compete with the larger. Big money would come in and bring in even larger competitors. Merging became a dirty word in some areas. Some of the larger plants were being bought by foreign owners. Government/Business mergers were conducted without we-the- people being advised. Money was the goal and deals were where the money was. Today there are half a dozen or so foundations or families who are controlling the financial world wherein we live. Apparently their goal is to own it all and to rule the slaves (we-the-people). One individual was heard to address the citizenry, “by 2030 you won’t own anything but you’ll be happy.”

Anyone who believes the world situation we find ourselves in today is accidental should pick up the Bible and read the books of Genesis, Daniel and Revelation. There are, of course, clues in several other prophetic Bible books you might want to dig into, but these three should give you the gist of things. Our world is not falling to pieces, the pieces are falling into place just as God said they would.

The Covid-19 is a form of cyber warfare being used to force our nation to accept “the new world order” that will be ruled by the wealthy elite, Satan’s minions – which our current government is aiding. These supplemental aids of counterfeit dollars* is drawing the workers of small businesses away from work because the supplements provide them larger incomes. Today I visited a small restaurant for breakfast and found them closed for lack of help because their workers were faring better by not working. An employee from a larger organization was also trying to get a breakfast and said her organization was also needing employees because of the governmental supplements. Do away with the countries’ small businesses, drive the employees to dependency upon the government and you destroy the foundations upon which the nation stands. You know that when a house’s foundations crumble the house crumbles – so with a nation.

*Dollars without any backing can only be counterfeit regardless of who prints them. When the counterfeit dollars run out and the jobs are gone because the small businesses are gone where will the workers go?