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Tuesday, July 2, 2024 - 08:21 AM


First Published in 1994


Salty Sez - What's NextEverywhere I look these days I see problems on top of problems but no real solutions being offered. I look at an unelected government doing everything in its power to lead our country away from the Founders’ Constitution and the unalienable rights contained therein. The few honest men still in that government seem powerless to act. They speak to efforts being made to better things for the 2022 election but are doing nothing to correct the electoral process that gave us the unelected government we now have. We are still caught up in a man-generated pandemic and its highly questionable vaccines, which in the long run may prove more deadly than the virus itself.

For some reason the medical system refuses to offer or even permit use of medicines that have proved highly successful in treating the disease. I personally asked a physician to write me a prescription for either of two of those medications and was told he would not or could not do so. Also, Big Tech is deciding what news we are to have covering anything that is going on in this upside-down world we now find ourselves. They are deciding for us by feeding us lies upon top of lies, while government is subtly removing our rights of free speech and freedom of religion, and working very hard to take away our freedom to bear arms. A look at history shows you what happens when arms are taken from the people: look at Hitler’s Germany, Russia’s Stalin and China’s Mao Zedong.

There are a number of Pastors looking at Biblical Prophecy now-days and preaching we are living in the time of those prophecies and that Jesus Christ will soon be coming for His Church. No one knows just when that will occur. Even Christ, when He was on earth did not know that date. According to the Scriptures we are to look for certain signs that we might recognize the times, and I must concede those signs are all around us. There is nothing else that must occur before He comes for His Church. It could be today, it could be years away, but the signs are here today. Some folk say that the generation in which Israel returns to nationhood will not be gone by His return. 1948 was the year Israel was reborn. I was already here and there are still quite a few of us around. I have no solution to any of the issues plaguing this world – and it is the world, not just the United States – where we are seeing the signs. My suggestion: if you are a Christian, thank the Lord; if you aren’t, ask the Lord to come into your life.