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Tuesday, July 2, 2024 - 10:11 AM


First Published in 1994


Salty Sez 2021 06 01 091806There’s a subject being talked about that most folk have heard mentioned but don’t really understand how it works. That topic is generally called “vaccination passport”. But the vaccination part is very misleading and is designed to have us believe the vaccination is all we have to be concerned about. Actually this passport system was in the works long before Covid-19 appeared on the scene. Essentially it is designed to give those in control digital information about everything you do, your medical history, your travel history, what kind of groceries you buy, the movies you watch, etc. Covid-19 just managed to “come along” and provide the excuse needed to frighten us into letting them stick needles in our arms.  

Have you asked why young folk who have hardly any problems when they get the virus, and recover quickly, should get the vaccine? And why should we vaccinate children not even in their teens? Why are these vaccines being pushed so hard? Why is government trying to give them to everyone in the country? It seems obvious this vaccine-passport represents something far more serious. In my search for answers I have found many sources saying that such a passport would give the powers that be total control of our lives. We would be unable to leave our homes and meet with friends, we couldn’t buy gasoline for our vehicles nor groceries for our pantries. How would they know what we were doing? Carrying the passport would be obligatory, one would be required to present it to do anything, and everything would be recorded. If the state didn’t approve of what I was doing, actions would be taken to correct me. Such a system is already in process in China, and will eventually find its way to everyone in the New World Order, which is where America is moving. We are essentially the last nation strong enough to stop the one-world-government Satan has been pursuing since the tower of Babel. But our unelected government is draining us of our strength and helping the enemy. You might not have noticed that Israel seems to be moving faster into the vaccine-passport than we are… but then, Satan always works harder to get the Jews either gone or under his control. You see, if there are no Jews left to call for Jesus to return, He will not return and Satan will survive. Of course Satan has been fighting that battle since creation, and he will fail again…we have read the last chapter, and therein lies our Hope.