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Tuesday, July 2, 2024 - 12:16 PM


First Published in 1994


Salty Sez 2021 06 07 144557I open my e-mail and see titles such as these: Barack Obama said two words…,Rand Paul just got this threat… ,Did you see the President’s e-mail?..., Weekend at Bidens…, Trump was right and the Media admits it…no apology… I click on them and am taken to some entrée that tells me nothing of importance or nothing I consider truthful these days. The Media, that should be informing us of many things that we know are going on is as “fake” as President Trump said it is. It has become the tool of forces working to destroy the America we have known so that they (the powers behind the throne) can accomplish what their armed forces could not. One Christian organization that has been around for several decades was recently censored in their effort to promote a Christian product on Amazon by a refusal that said “All review decisions are final, and this title may not be resubmitted or appealed.” There is no level playing field in this war, only the enemy has a voice as freedom is being flushed down the drain.

Our “news” is not even telling us about the mid-eastern approach to a position aimed at removing Israel from the map. I recently listened to a pastor who gave two one-hour presentations called the Mideast meltdown, during which he graphically outlined the political and historical movement toward the fulfillment of biblical prophecy on that subject. As we view the world situation into which we have been so quickly plunged it becomes obvious that the America we have loved is no longer here and will not be salvaged, though many politicians seemingly think differently. We must live according to God’s timetable and all indications seem to point to Christ’s soon return to gather His church. The following link will take you to the two-hour presentation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=847EL6n2PLE 

Salty’s news is not good and there are things I cannot say because I cannot prove. My prayers every day are that citizens wake up to the end-time events that are occurring before their eyes and may He shield and protect us all in the days to come.