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Wednesday, July 17, 2024 - 07:39 AM


First Published in 1994


SaltySez 2021 08 02 112516I’m scratching my head: I have to be careful and not talk about certain things that need talking about. I think the whole world is having problems with this. Doctors tell you they can’t prescribe certain medications that are needed to fight certain diseases. Lawyers are saying they can’t sue about certain goings-on because judges are saying they won’t hear certain cases. Even our Supreme Court refuses to hear cases about constitutional issues that should be settled there. Just makes a fellow wonder about what’s really happening, who’s telling the truth, or trying to, and who’s telling the lies. Even the rare news stations that one thought honest have taken positions along with the fake-news broadcasters. I keep waiting for apples to start falling up from the trees instead of falling down, but the climate changers haven’t yet changed the law of gravity. I suspect they are working on it though, they’ve already done away with common sense. What really alarms me most is the seeming failure of the American people to recognize the fact that we are in a war greater than any war we have ever fought.

There are other things and situations you will not likely hear main-stream media talking about, and which fall into areas of confusion for most of us. Boys wanting to be girls and girls wanting to be boys will not likely be debated – our changing culture has already made those decisions. And I understand the Journal of Medical Ethics argues that parents should not have the right to interfere in childhood decisions about this. Girls of age 13 wanting to have breast-removal surgey should be allowed to do so without parental approval or knowledge. I suppose this would also apply to 13 year old boys who wanted penal surgery. Of course such surgeries would not be reversible should minds change later. Seems they think God is making a lot of mistakes.

Free-Speech, granted by God and guaranteed by our Constitution, is being denied by powers working to totally change our culture as well as our government. When we seriously view the way we are heading, and how we are being guided, we will find that good-and-evil is being turned upside down – evil is becoming the way to go, and good is becoming the no-no. Soon we may discover that Bible-study is illegal while the study of the Koran or any other religion is approved throughout our educational system and at cultural gatherings. They are in effect saying any god making so many mistakes has to be removed. Do you want to go along with that?

The forces now running our government and most of our major businesses have shown us what they think of our good health and our prosperity by their impassioned hatred of a man and a family who showed us how for four years.