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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 08:30 AM


First Published in 1994


Salty Sez 2021 08 09 093524My words today are directed primarily to those of you who have a relationship with Jesus, although I hope they might encourage others to seek such a relationship. I hear people talking about all these things that are going on, saying they make no sense at all. Today they tell you one thing, tomorrow they tell you the opposite. It’s this-and-that and back-and forth everywhere. For my Christian brethren who understand who is actually running this world things make perfect sense. That old serpent, Satan, knows his time is running out and he is trying everything he can think of to thwart God’s plans. He knows that many Christians are easily swayed and can be pulled off course if they think their leadership is working for them.

A great way to do that is to confuse them; let them think they are doing a good thing by doing the wrong thing i.e. the Critical Race Theory. That is one reason the Scriptures often remind us that we should not be deceived. And we all know who the master of deception is, who was it that led Eve to consider that God might not have been telling the truth when He said don’t eat from that certain tree? The Devil has been successfully using that same approach ever since. It’s sort of like saying, “You don’t need God, you can become god!” We all want to sit in that king’s chair once in a while, and do our own thing. I mentioned before that we are in a war; this is not a war between nations, it’s not a war between peoples, as some are trying to convince us. It is a spiritual war between good and evil and Christ won that war some two thousand years ago at a place called Calvary. In this war we may not be the warriors. If I recall, the Old Testament shows us one way God deals with a war wherein the foe’s forces are too great for His’s people to deal with.  2 Chronicles 20:17 tells us:Ye shall not need to fight in this battle: set yourselves, stand ye still, and see the salvation of Jehovah…”  

I believe we are dealing with the Devil himself, his demons and his human minions, many of whom believe they are working for God. Deception after deception is running wild on planet earth. We in America still have some freedoms, but we are losing them fast. They say you have to wear a mask (which is actually harmful to many), they say you have to take a vaccine (which is not a vaccine and might kill you), they say you no longer have freedom of speech nor freedom of religion because you might be hurting someone else’s feelings, and guns kill people so you must give yours up. Take advantage of your freedoms while you still can, but know harder times are on their way. Christ told us they hated Him and they will hate us. Our job is to trust Him and to stand true. Whatever happens, He will be with us and will not forsake His own. Unlike our politicians, He keeps His promises.