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Tuesday, February 18, 2025 - 02:11 AM


First Published & Printed in 1994


The Fascist Klaus Schwab And His Globalist Adolf Hitler
Adolf Hitler (1889-1945), in Germany in the early 1930s. How does evil rise to engulf an entire nation? One day at a time - one compromise of principle at a time - one hatred at a time - one lie at a time - one unwise compromise at a time! Perhaps Klaus Schwab's father, Eugen Schwab, was in this crowd.


From their earliest days in the 1920’s, Adolf Hitler and the members of his fledgling National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazis) in war ravaged Germany (that’s WW1 for those who are “historically challenged”)  promised all of the German people who believed, correctly, that their nation had been totally humiliated by the Versailles Treaty (which formally ended that war and obligated Germany to pay huge and punitive reparations), that he and his Nazi Party would both restore German dignity and pride, and would make Germany a great nation again, with a strong leader (Hitler) in control. 

Hitler and his Nazi Party preached and agitated against the struggling Weimar Republic, that had more-or-less replaced the German Monarchy at its defeat in WW1.  The Germans knew only the “strong man” monarchical government of their forebears and distrusted the concept of a “republic”—a representative government of law, not of authoritative leaders whose will had to be obeyed.  Hitler and his Nazis pledged that they would “put women back into the home and put men back in charge”.  He vowed to withdraw Germany from the League of Nations (which collapsed a short time later).  He promised an authoritarian socialist-style government as an “alternative” to communism (which was becoming popular in Germany after the chaos of the 1920’s), with elements of fascism embedded in it (borrowed from his Fascist friend, the Italian dictator, Benito Mussolini), with the vile and racist “hate the Jews” tossed in by the Nazis to make their form of hateful and brutal authoritarianism uniquely theirs.  He promised to rid Germany of the hated Versailles Treaty, and bring back “law and order”.  One of his “promises”, destined to forever condemn the name “Hitler”, was to put the Jews, whom many blamed for Germany’s seemingly insurmountable problems, “in their place once and for all”.  The “Jews”, he assured the German people, were the ones behind all of their problems.  Take care of “the Jewish problem”, he claimed, and eventually all would be well again.  Far too many of the German people believed Hitler’s garbage.  (Sadly, some misguided dupes in today’s troubled world spout the same nonsense!)

To a  once strong and highly cultured German people, who were being

tossed to and fro by the economic terror of runaway inflation in their Weimar Republic and by deliberately caused social turmoil (evils which are now happening with increasing frequency in the U.S.), Adolf Hitler impressed increasing numbers as both a “caring” man, and a leader of a political party who would solve all of the problems that the German people had endured from the end of WW1 until the early 1930’s.

Increasingly we hear people claim that our nation—the U.S.A.—“land of the free and home of the brave”—is becoming more and more like Germany in the 1920’s and early 1930’s, and wealthy and powerful manipulators of men’s thinking seem to be using the same “playbook” that Hitler and his Nazi goons used so long ago, with such tragic consequences.  I’m certain that this is only a “coincidence”.  Uh huh!


Up until 3 or 4 years ago, most Americans had never heard of Klaus Schwab, the World Economic Forum, or “The Great Reset” of Mankind.  Schwab adamantly proclaims this “Great Reset” whenever he can get an audience.  Of serious concern should be the fact that Klaus Schwab, presently 85 years old, has ties back to Nazi Germany.  Klaus was born in Ravensburg, Germany in 1938, to Eugen Schwab and Erika Epprecht.  During the period of the Third Reich (1933-1945), the elder Schwab moved his family from Switzerland TO Germany (before Klaus’ birth), and he became a Director for the firm—ESEHER WYSS AG, which was a company that used slaves to manufacture specialized military technologies for Hitler’s Third Reich. 

Of course, Klaus Schwab was far too young to have been complicit in any way in the crimes of his father.  However, when  patriotic Americans take a close look at Schwab’s ideology and the drastic and freedom-destroying societal changes he is proposing, along with his fellow conspirators at the WEF and the Marxist controlled United Nations, we believe we are correct in doing all we can to expose this very dangerous man, his associates, and his movement, which he calls “STAKEHOLDER CAPITALISM”,  which seems very close to the “CORPORATE SOCIALISM” that was in vogue in Nazi Germany.  Klaus’ WEF and its dangerous-to-freedom beliefs is being increasingly touted here in the U.S. by people of all political persuasions, especially those who are “ideologically” committed to the WEF, and by many others in our gullible and “thinking challenged” population because the subversive “Main Stream Media” keeps assuring them that Schwab and his fascist cohorts are really upstanding people who will bring only joy and laughter, and peace ever after if their movement becomes victorious over mankind. 

The WEF as an organization has long worked closely with the dangerous, anti-American sovereignty and Marxist controlled United Nations Organization, and together they pose such threats to our continued existence as free people that we need to take an in-depth look at Herr Schwab and his “movement”.  Are they a “benign” organization with only the best of intentions?  Or are they “something else”? 

The term:  “The Great Reset” became popular after the publication, in July, 2020 of the book titled: COVID-19—THE GREAT RESET, written jointly by Klaus Schwab and Thierry Malleret.  But the idea originated much earlier.  Schwab founded the World Economic Forum back in 1971, in Switzerland, introducing a concept he later called “Stakeholder Capitalism”.  It sounded benign to most casual observers at the time.  However, an Italian philosopher named Giorgio Agamben has called “the Great Reset” “COMMUNIST CAPITALISM”.  Another writer, Michael Rectenwalt, of American Scholars,  has called it: “CORPORATE CAPITALISM”, because it strongly resembles the “corporate socialism” (i.e. modified fascism”) economic system that the Nazis used in Germany, and that became popular in those troubled and hectic years in Fascist Italy, in Falangist Spain, in Vichy France, and in Peronist Argentina, just for starters.


Recently, former judge Andrew Napolitano defined “fascism as “private ownership but government control” of SOME of the tools of production.”  That’s pretty accurate.  Fascism differs only moderately from Communism”, which is “government ownership and government control of ALL of the tools of production”, and from “Capitalism” (i.e. Free Enterprise), which is “private ownership and private control of ALL of the tools of production”.  As increasing numbers of concerned people are discovering, Schwab’s “Stakeholder Capitalism” is FASCISM with lipstick, just updated with 21st century jingoism to make it attractive to the thinking-challenged masses who are addicted to “wokism”, “diversity”, “inclusion”, and the proper “pronouns” to use without offending someone else, and they wouldn’t understand the concept of free people living under a free constitutional republican form of government even if our Founders sat them down and explained it to them.

Patriots and concerned citizens with suspicious minds are increasingly in fear that Schwab has dedicated his life to resurrecting some version of the evil nightmares of Nazi-ism or Fascism that was so prevalent in his childhood.  Most of us fear that Schwab’s striving for over 50 years to turn his goal of “a Fourth Industrial Revolution” (as he calls it—and which smells like a “Fourth Reich” to me) into some form of reality, and not just for Germany or Europe, but for the entire planet, is closer to fruition than most people realize.    Klaus Schwab is a former member of the Steering Committee of the super-secret BILDERBERG GROUP, and as such must be considered to be an “insider’s insider”.  His sinister World Economic Forum works closely with the highly dangerous and Marxist-controlled United Nations, which has always had as its main goal the establishment of a world government under its control, and in particular the ending of all national sovereignty, especially the sovereignty of the United States.


Knowledgeable citizens increasingly fear that Schwab has plans to unleash his technocratic and fascist “vision” upon all of mankind, including an evil and twisted vision of an atrocity he calls “TRANSHUMINISM”, which is discussed in Schwab’s writings, speeches, and interviews, and which he and some of his truly DEMENTED associates in the WEF believe will eventually merge human beings with machines to create “superior” people, probably “helped along” in this “transition” by increasingly powerful AI.

One of these demented spokesman for Klaus Schwab is named Dr.Yuval Noah Harari, surely one of Satan’s devoted acolytes--an author, history professor at the University of Jerusalem, a hardened atheist, a despiser of Jews and Christians, an advisor to Klaus Schwab (although not an employee of the WEF), and a homosexual “married” to another man.  His twisted goal is to convince humanity that it is fruitless to resist the mad rush toward “transhumanism”, claiming it is inevitable that this new “species” will dominate future time, eventually replacing God-created humans. If Dr. Harari’s satanic and twisted vision of the future comes to fruition, your great-great grandchild may be a half-human controlled by one or more computer “chips” implanted within his/her body. 

In their book, COVID-19: The Great Reset, Schwab and Malleret showed how “hyperinflation” quickly destroyed the German “deutsche mark” (the German currency) during the 1920’s.  Are Americans, with our out-of-control national debt and culture-destroying federal spending orgies facing the same fate?  The authors claim that it is basically inevitable.  Their arguments are somewhat logical, sad to say.  However, given the fact that Schwab and his WEF had a strong role in planning the vast amount of “pandemic stimulus spending” that the U.S. suffered through over the past three years, many concerned patriots are convinced that Schwab and his allies in the globalist movement deliberately concocted the “Great Reset” in order to eventually destroy the American dollar!

How would that be accomplished?, you might ask.  Let’s look at a little history and observe what effects that this sinister man and his WEF have helped to accomplish.  If you’ve delved a little into Klaus Schwab’s history over the past 50 or so years, you’d have discovered that he has been doing his best to spread his poisonous “neo-fascist” schemes over as much of our planet as he could influence.  And his influence has extended much farther than most people could imagine.  Over that time Schwab has attracted a large number of the “elites” of the world—the power brokers and shakers—to membership in the WEF.  A few of the names of the Board of Trustees for WEF are names you might recognize:

  • Laurence Fink: Chairman & C.E.O. of BLACKROCK; member of The Council On Foreign Relations;
  • Al Gore: Former V.P. of the U.S.; Chairman of Generation Investment Management, LLP;
  • Yo-Yo Ma: Acclaimed Concert Cellist;
  • Her Majesty, Queen Rania Al Abdullah of Jordan;
  • David Rubenstein: Co-Chairman of Carlyle, Current Chairman of the Board of The Council On Foreign Relations.

There are many more names, of course, but these are the ones that help guide the twisted “vision” of the WEF.  Schwab takes great pride in letting the world know that many of the companies from all over Planet Earth are members of the World Economic Forum.  To their shame, I might add.  However his success in “implementing” his “stakeholder capitalism” plans for the world (i.e. fascism—a far leftwing political system) didn’t progress fast enough until-------surprise, surprise----- the so-called “Corona virus Plandemic” was released  upon the world, courtesy of many powerful entities, including the U.S. government (C.I.A., CDC, N,I.A.I.D., “our” Pentagon’s top people), and probably the government of the Ukraine and the Chinese Communist Party, causing induced and unjustified fear and panic among much of the world’s population, including by design the people of the U.S., in particular, to accept very drastic and totally UNCONSTITUTIONAL government interventions, all designed, of course, to “save us” from a so-called “virus” that was not much more dangerous than a bad case of influenza.


NEXT TIME:  PART 2—the “Great Reset” starts to  unfold.



A native of Cleveland, Ohio W. H. (Bill) Lamb was graduated from Cleveland State University (Ohio) in 1960, and relocated to South Carolina in 1964.  For many years he was an Industrial Engineer, Chief Industrial Engineer, and plant manager in the steel, electronics, and apparel industries in Ohio, South Carolina, and Alabama. 

An avid and long time writer concentrating on political and cultural issues of concern to America’s Christian Patriot community, he was published in the Lancaster, S.C. “News” during the mid-to-late 1960’s and in Greenville’s “The Times Examiner” since 1999.   The late Christian Patriot, Col. Bobby Dill, was his first editor for The Times Examiner, the publication he always refers to as “a great journal of truth”.

Married to Barbara for 65 years, he has two adult kids, five grandkids, and six great grandkids, plus a “feisty and opinionated” 80 lb. Pit Lab named Hayley, who runs the entire house.

A long time member, with Barbara, of the patriotic John Birch Society, he believes that it is the duty of ALL Christians to first, share the love of his Savior, Jesus, with others, and then to be dedicated patriots and do everything possible to both resist the evil of collectivism that is smothering Western Civilization and educate and motivate his fellow Americans in the preservation of our unique Constitutional Republic.