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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 10:15 PM


First Published in 1994


More than 90 percent of Americans who are descendants of former slaves voted for Barack Obama for president. Included are many individuals who pastor Christian Churches, individuals who oppose the slaughter of unborn children and others who strongly believe in the biblical definition of marriage. Above all, these Americans treasure and celebrate freedom and liberty, of which their ancestors were deprived. Why then would they vote to elect someone president of the United States who fanatically opposes everything they stand for and is systematically destroying the freedom, liberty and unlimited opportunities all Americans enjoy by ignoring the protections guaranteed by the Constitution?

If you engage in a rational conversation with Born-again Christians who voted for Obama, they will likely concede that they disagree with most things he has done and intends to do, but they felt obligated to vote for “one of our own.” They can’t get past the “color thing.” For a century they pleaded and prayed for a color-blind nation. That prayer was answered legislatively and to a great degree in practice. However, they can’t let it go. This was a historic opportunity to elect an “African American” President of the United States. They felt peer pressure and an obligation to vote for someone with dark skin although his mother was white. The emotional “color barrier” frequently blocks out rational thinking and thoughtful decision making.

Before someone jumps to the conclusion that this is a biased commentary, allow me to point out that our Christian brothers and sisters who have a problem seeing past color are no different than many of their Caucasian brothers and sisters in Christ. They voted for Jimmy Carter because he was a Southerner or was a Southern Baptist without knowing that in practice he was something very different than advertised. Would a Christian president intentionally recruit witches and put them on the government payroll to advise military and civilian leaders? Carter did! Carter was probably the worst president ever – before Obama. Thankfully, Carter is history; tragically, Obama is now.

The tragedy of the ages has contributed to the descendants of former American slaves being used and abused through the ages. The tragedy began with human beings rounding up their fellow humans and selling them into bondage. They were used as an excuse to justify the most brutal war in American History. They were used by Radical Republicans to assist in terrorizing white citizens of the South for 12 years of military occupation following the war. When the Radical Republicans were banished from the South in 1876, the former slaves and their offspring were left to reap the backlash against the horrors of “Congressional Reconstruction.” The result was almost a century of so-called “Jim Crow” laws imposed by Democrats on the descendants of slaves in what was proudly known as the solid Democrat South.

The second inauguration of Barack Obama occurred on the MLK National Holiday. It is ironic that one of his more frequently quoted statements, regarding a hope that one day people would be judged not by the “color of their skin,” but by the “content of their character,” is frequently spoken but rarely practiced.

Part of the tragedy of the ages is that white liberals are able to make rules for, speak for and represent “African-Americans.” This makes no sense, because the liberals and leftists support government programs to keep them in bondage and dependent on government programs. Why do they put up with this?

It is encouraging that increasing numbers of “African-Americans” are breaking away from the liberal government “plantation,” ignoring the liberal political bosses and their lackeys and running their own lives. Many of them are accumulating “stuff” and are not fond of government taking from them what they have worked for and earned.

I grew up in Northern Greenville County. We had segregated schools required by state law. Beyond that, all else was equal. My father built a new house next door for a “Negro” family. They were never charged rent. Carl was illiterate but was my father’s highest paid employee. Kids played together, adults worked together. They were proud Americans. Years passed and they were told that they were no longer Negroes. They were “blacks” and “black is beautiful.” Desiring to separate them more from their fellow Americans, white liberals labeled them “African-Americans.”

Sadly, the tragedy of the ages continues.