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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 10:15 PM


First Published in 1994


Viewers of C-SPAN saw the unbelievably naïve and incompetent testimony of the nominee for Secretary of Defense. He is the choice of the current Commander in Chief who is clearly determined to dismantle, demoralize and destroy out nation’s ability to conduct and win military engagements in the future.

If the American people and their elected representatives allow the planned cuts in the military to take place, it will certainly cost countless lives of American young people and, for the first time since 1865, possibly the death of thousands of innocent civilians at home.

While bad decisions in Washington cost the loss of thousands of lives in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan, nothing can compare to the dangers we face if the Obama cuts in defense are allowed to take place. The only question remaining is whether the decisions being made in Washington regarding national security are the result of incompetence or intentional. I suggest that the preponderance of evidence indicate that the unwise decisions are intentional.

The president and his 60s radical Czars and cabinet members detest war and loathe the military. They have been brainwashed by leftist propagandists into believing that war is always our fault, because they are always on the side of our enemies, whether they are Communists or Islamic terrorists.

In order to carry out their policy of disarming America, they are pretending that the threats to our survival have vanished and their “chosen one” is smart enough to avoid conflict. This is a false hope and will eventually result in disaster for our nation and especially members of the military who must stand and fight without adequate weapons, support and competent leadership.  The only way we will avoid a bloody conflict at some point will be to surrender to a conquering tyrant either foreign or domestic.

The mandatory inclusion of women and homosexuals in ground combat units will result in untold problems, not the least of which will be unit cohesion and effectiveness. Active duty commanders will not comment negatively on the programs because they are required to support them and make them work. Any criticism, regardless of how constructive or well-intended, will impact the next promotion and assignment.

Experience has shown that women living in the field for extended periods of time without adequate bath and sanitation facilities results in frequent evacuations for medical reasons. The necessity for women to partially disrobe in order to perform necessary body functions is a problem that has not yet been adequately solved. The Army has reportedly developed a funnel type plumbing system for women to wear that would allow them to function more like men and prevent the necessity to disrobe; however, one study indicates women have been reluctant to wear it because it is uncomfortable and causes irritation.

Problems of infidelity by married troops and competition for affection within a unit are major social problems that can be expected to occur and impact the effectiveness of a combat unit.

Women and homosexuals have served effectively in many assignments. In Vietnam, enlisted women performed many critical administrative functions. They had women commanders, lived with women and reported for duty in other organizations with military supervisors. They were trained to defend themselves if necessary, but were not part of infantry units crawling around in the jungle.

The cuts in the defense budget being proposed would reduce numbers of many weapons and troops to pre-WW-II levels. This is extremely dangerous and those who impose it should be held criminally accountable when it results in the loss of lives due to inadequate preparedness.

The rhetoric coming from the president is that the extreme cuts will never happen, that we will retain the strongest military force in the world and that he will ensure that the troops and veterans will receive uncut benefits. His actions do not support his words. As a Vietnam veteran, I have one question for the Commander-in-Chief:

Mr. President, if you are taking care of the troops who sacrificed for their country, why do the severely wounded combat veterans have to rely on privately funded organizations for support and rehabilitation, such as “Wounded Warriors?”