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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 12:24 AM


First Published in 1994


A smirking New York Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer on FOX News Sunday with his colleague Senator John McCain insulted every conservative Republican with his self-serving advice. Looking precisely like the cat that ate the canary, the mendacious liberal (Progressive) Democrat from New York advised the Republican House to support the Senate amnesty bill or sentence the Republican Party to minority status for the foreseeable future.

Knowledge of what the bill contains and an ounce of common sense and rational thinking proves precisely the opposite result. The bill passed by the Senate will create millions of new Democrat voters and doom the Republican Party for the next century while making the Democrats permanent rulers of a socialist state with no effective political opposition. 

This is an insult to anyone with a brain. Who would believe that Schumer would do anything to help Republicans defeat Democrats in future elections? When asked what he thought would change the current attitude of the House he cited large demonstrations during the summer and pressure from Catholics and Evangelical Christians on Congressmen to support the Senate Bill.

Supporters of amnesty for illegal aliens are counting on a coalition to force passage of the legislation without closing the border or intending to enforce the language, tax or penalty provisions of the bill.

The largest part of the coalition is the Hispanic lobby that can bring hundreds of thousands of illegal residents into the streets screaming and waving banners with one text in Spanish on the Obama phone.

Labor Unions that are in trouble with workers for private companies are desperate to get millions of new dues-paying members from the millions of new legalized employees. Their dues will also provide more funds for Democrat Party candidates.

The Chamber of Commerce favors the bill, because their members want hard workers and cheap labor. That is what they have now, but when they become legal and join unions, they could become a problem rather than a solution to what employers see as “lazy domestic minority workers who prefer welfare to work.”

Seasonal crop growers are desirous of having a continued flow of cheap labor to plant, cultivate and harvest crops and move on. Supporters of the amnesty bill have convinced many farmers that the Senate bill will provide them with a steady flow of cheap and legal labor.

Schumer, McCain and our own Senator Lindsey Graham are expecting the Catholic Church and the Evangelical Christian Churches to apply pressure to conservative Christian members of Congress and convince them that it is their duty as Christians to support the Democrat amnesty bill. Amnesty supporters try to appeal to the kindness, generosity and compassion of Christians. It works on the “low information” churchgoers.

The same tactic has deceived some church members into supporting the environmental movement and their political agenda, by convincing them that man must take care of the earth and save it from destruction by other men. The Christians so deceived forget that God, who created earth, is very capable of preserving or destroying it without help from environmentalists who deny His existence.

Fourth District Congressman Trey Gowdy said he will not take Schumer’s advice. He does not see the “Gang of Eight” bill passing the House this year. Gowdy is sponsor of a House bill that would secure the border before giving amnesty, defined as a “path to citizenship,” to those individuals who came to the United States illegally.

The GOP National Party organization, not known for wisdom or good judgment in recent years, may come out in support of the Senate amnesty bill. Should that happen, it will almost certainly cause a surge toward a third party in conservative areas of the nation that will in itself serve to drastically weaken the Republican Party.

Ignore Schumer’s advice and help him wipe that smirk off his face.