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Friday, July 26, 2024 - 11:59 PM


First Published in 1994


Ignorance, misinformation and fear are hampering needed action on resettlement of refugees in Greenville County.

Refugees mixed with actual and potential terrorists are flooding Europe from Muslim countries. They are claiming to be refugees from Syria, however they are coming from several countries and the Europeans don’t know where they are from or who they are. They just know they can’t house and care for all of them.

President Obama has already publicly agreed to accept 100,000 of these mostly Muslim young males and place them throughout the nation. The United States Immigration services and law enforcement leaders have made it clear that they have no way of determining who these people are, yet they are already being brought into South Carolina and the Upstate.

Governor Nikki Haley has formally agreed to accept these refugees without consulting with or informing the citizens of the state.  A group of Southern Baptists and others in Spartanburg County allegedly funded by a George Sorus organization is quietly placing refugees with Christian families in Spartanburg and Greenville Counties.

A group of citizens have already begun to organize in Spartanburg to monitor the situation and keep citizens informed. No such organization is in place in Greenville County, however there is activity.

The Greenville County Republican Party Executive Committee passed last week a resolution proposed by Dean Allen. In part, the resolution asked Governor Haley to suspend the refugee program until certain conditions are met. Those conditions were published in the October 7 issue of The Times Examiner.

The Resolution stated that: “The Greenville County Republican Party respectfully calls upon Governor Nikki Haley to immediately suspend the further resettlement of refugees in South Carolina,” until seven specified conditions are met.

The next evening, Patricia Taylor signed up to address Greenville County Council for three minutes to discuss the refugee matter and ask council to pass a resolution similar to the ones passed in adjacent counties.

Taylor was first informed that she could not speak because the subject was not in the jurisdiction of the County Government. Council Chairman Dr. Bob Taylor ruled that Patricia Taylor could make her presentation, however no action would be taken by the Council because refugees were not their responsibility.

Later in the meeting Councilman Joe Dill said he and another member of council had attended a meeting on refugees in Spartanburg. He saw the refugee matter as something Council should be informed about and suggested the Chairman arrange for someone well-informed with facts brief the Council so they would not be blind-sided if the resettlement of Muslim refugees becomes a problem.

The United Nations are selecting the refugees to come to the United States and the State Department is deciding where they will be settled.

There are reports that the Democrat Party is locating the refugees in districts where they can influence elections. They will have legal status and will be entitled to everything the government has to offer upon arrival.

Other concerns have to do with concerns that Muslims will not blend in with the local population and will form their own communities with Sharia Law.

There is so much secrecy surrounding the resettlement of refugees locally that it is imperative that local government stay informed and keep the people informed of security and other matters that will likely occur.