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Friday, July 26, 2024 - 08:22 PM


First Published in 1994


I was an early supporter of Senator John McCain for president of the United States. John was a "military Brat." Both his father and grandfather retired as four-star admirals. I first met John at Tommy's Country Ham House in Greenville during his first campaign for president. We had a very brief conversation about his father. I informed him that I was assigned to his father's CINCPAC staff during the Vietnam War era, when his father was Commander-in-Chief of the Pacific Command. He commented that not a day passed that he did not think about his father. His mother is still living and is more than 100 years of age.

Time did not permit me to tell the senator that I was privileged to be the Department of Defense Project Officer helping to arrange the State dinner that President Nixon held for McCain and the other POW's on the south lawn of the White House to welcome them home.


As a naval officer McCain was not always a son to make his father proud, however, he became very powerful and famous as a United States Senator.

As a senator, McCain was a supporter of the military, but as chairman of the Armed forces committee, he was more supportive of President Obama than of President Trump. He was a globalist who was very critical of President Trump's "America first" agenda.

The dominant media favored McCain most of the time, however they were ready to kick him under the bus when he picked Governor Sarah Palen to be his vice president.