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Tuesday, July 2, 2024 - 02:14 PM


First Published in 1994


Who Should Apologize and Resign?

Letters, email messages and telephoned opinions to talk radio programs continue to call for the resignation of Governor Mark Sanford. The Governor has apologized to virtually everyone, including the “other woman,” for his marital indiscretion. Both he and Mrs. Sanford wish to reconcile for the sake of their four young sons. The Governor is apparently determined to remain in office and do his job while attempting to “put his family back together.” Whether he is able to succeed is a family matter, despite the fact that he is a public official.

Since he appears willing and determined to do his job, why not allow him to do just that unless an issue of malfeasance in office surfaces.  Until the infidelity and absentee situation surfaced, most of the people who elected him seemed to be supportive of his direction and performance as Governor. We can’t expect members of the opposition party to cooperate. They are going to do everything within their power to take the Governor’s mansion in the 2010 general election.

Continuing to harp on the Governor’s marital situation without additional cause for the next 18 months will accomplish nothing positive and will detract attention from the serious problems of loss of freedom that are being inflicted on our state and republic by the current administration.

Regardless of what he says or does, the bashing of the Governor, like the demonizing of President George W. Bush and Vice President Cheney will continue indefinitely.

To illustrate a serious double standard, there are powerful members of the U. S. House and Senate who have allegedly committed criminal acts and continue to serve. We could mention Sen. Ted Kennedy, Chris Dodd and Congressman Barney Frank, to name only three of many. Are Democrats demanding they resign? I am not aware of it if they are.

Moving on from breaking marriage vows and performing criminal acts, there are many on the payroll in Washington, D. C. who take an oath to “protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic” who violate their oath and undermine the Constitution almost on a daily basis when Congress is in session. They are tolerated and seldom called on the carpet by either their colleagues or their constituents.

What about those folks who voted for and support the man who currently occupies the White House? Should they be held accountable for what he does? Should they be held accountable for the takeover of U. S. Banks and   General Motors? Should they be held accountable for the automobile dealers who had their dealerships taken away apparently based on which political party received their campaign donations? If the Obama Administration succeeds in taking over the American health care system and proceeds to have government bureaucrats ration medication, testing and surgery, to save money, should his supporters and backers be held accountable?

Have any of those individuals who campaigned for and elected Barack Obama to the White House apologized for use of the Cloward-Piven “Crisis Strategy” to swamp voter rolls with invalid registrations signed in the name of deceased, ineligible or non-existent people, by so doing, opening the doors to unprecedented levels of alleged voter fraud and probably stolen elections?

If President Obama succeeds in reducing our republic to a socialist dictatorship, will Democratic Party officials be held accountable or accept any responsibility for their actions?

Does anyone expect party leaders including former South Carolina Democratic Party Chairman and advertising Executive Joe Erwin to step forward and apologize to his neighbors and fellow business executives should the Obama Administration succeed in achieving their socialistic goals? I don’t expect that to ever happen.

In the meantime, the leaders of all political parties would serve their constituents well to soon stop harping on the personal problems of Mark Sanford and begin thinking seriously about preserving the Constitution of the United States and the future of our children and grandchildren who yearn to be free and not subjects in a former democratic republic changed to the image desired by Barack Obama and the radicals of the 1960s.