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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 12:14 PM


First Published in 1994


The views of individual evolutionists on God vary, from theistic evolution to absolute atheism. However, the general evolutionist perspective is to ignore God as much as possible. The Entire point of universal common descent evolution is to explain the origin of the diversity of life along with man from entirely naturalistic and atheistic notion of abiogenesis universal common descent evolution, is to explain our origin apart from God.

The common argument against universal common descent evolution being atheistic is that Charles Darwin was trained in theology. Not only does his education not say anything about what he believed when he developed his theory, but the idea of universal common descent did not even originate with him. He simply combined it with natural selection to provide a plausible-sounding mechanism. The notion of universal common descent was being discussed by atheists for decades before Charles Darwin was even born, including his grandfather Erasmus Darwin. In other words, all Charles Darwin did was provide a mechanism for what atheists were already trying to push.

Ultimately the entire idea of universal common descent evolution is to explain the variety of life on earth apart from God. It is completely contradictory to the Biblical account and the entire idea of God as the creator. Consequently, the notion of theistic evolution is actually a contradiction of terms because the entire idea of the evolutionary process behind the idea of common descent is to exclude God from the process. This means that the very notion of universal common descent instead of a common designer is completely atheistic. The fact that some people can accept it and still believe in God, is simply a demonstration of the amazing human ability to believe mutually contradicting ideas.

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