The key to understanding the evolutionist perspective on the supernatural is the fact that the entire idea behind universal common descent evolution and its related theories is the entirely atheistic and naturalistic notion that supernatural phenomenon does not exist. It includes the idea that the supernatural is just something ignorant people call stuff not yet explained by science. The idea is that everything eventually can be explained by science. It also includes a totally atheistic naturalistic perspective on science, which excludes anything but completely naturalistic explanations.
While it is possible to artificially insert God or some kind of supernatural phenomenon into the Big Bang to man story, it is just that an artificial insertion that gets the proponent no more respect from atheists than a young earth creationist. The point is the entire idea behind this atheistic mythology is the elimination of any supernatural element to origins, particularly God. It results in arguments for God being nothing but a God of gaps. The simple fact is that the entire purpose is to get rid of God and anything supernatural in our origins.
Consequently, the evolutionist perspective on supernatural phenomenon is that it does not exist. Anything labeled as supernatural is considered to simply not yet be explained by science. Amongst theistic evolutionists, while they believe in God, they pretty much restrict him to working within the bounds of naturalistic processes such that there is no effective difference between theistic and atheistic evolutionary points of view. The only difference is that from a theistic evolutionary point of view, God is there as a guiding force and nothing more.
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