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Thursday, July 18, 2024 - 01:52 AM


First Published in 1994


Executive Director Replaced after Closed Door Meeting of Board

The Greenville County Disabilities and Special Needs Agency Executive Director  has been replaced following an Executive Session of the Board of Directors and a very brief public vote without discussion, according to attendees present at the public meeting. Three members of Greenville County Council were outside the door and entered the board room with others as soon as the door was opened, but heard nothing other than a motion to adjourn.

The morning following the meeting, agency employees reported that Patrick Haddon, former Chairman of the Greenville County Republican Party was introduced to employees as their new director. Attempts to reach the board chairman and Haddon at home and by cell phone prior to press time Monday evening were unsuccessful.

The Director  oversees a multimillion dollar budget, with some 500 employees and the operation of several  group homes for disabled and special needs citizens. The executive director’s salary is in excess of $100,000.

The group homes are operated by  amazingly dedicated people who love their work and the people they serve. Few county residents know the agency exists, but for the families it serves, it is the most important function of local government.

The agency is governed by a 12 member board recommended by Greenville County Council and appointed by the Governor. Operating funds come mostly from the state and grants from various sources.

A recent audit that has not been released to the public  is said to be critical of management, including the governing board.

The state director of Disabilities and Special Needs is expected to visit the agency this week and the district director was reportedly present outside the closed door meeting on the night the decision was made to replace the director.

No public announcement had been made by the board chairman or new director at press time Monday evening.