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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 01:16 PM


First Published in 1994



“I Do’s” come in “Twos” for sisters Prentiss Elisabeth and Lisë Marie Kendall. Due to the logistics of getting two of their siblings here who are currently in Nevada and Hawaii the sisters and grooms opted for back to back weddings December 3, 2011, at Hampton Park Baptist Church in Greenville, SC. Prelude music by area harpists, Aubrey Elliott and Sarah Northrop, began at 10:30. As the mothers, Jan Kendall and Valerie Allen entered, Mark Jeffords and his mother, Barbara Jeffords, sang “O Holy Night,” followed by the chiming of the eleventh hour from Dr. Ed Dunbar, organist. Paton Kendall, nephew of the bride, came down the aisle ringing bells announcing repeatedly “the bridegroom is coming!” Hunter Kendall, brother of the bride, sounded forth the fanfare announcing the appearance of the bridegroom, James Chandler Allen of Knoxville, TN, and his groomsmen. Chandler is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Allen of Brentwood, TN. As the trumpet sounded, the bridegroom descended, representing the second coming of Christ, then presented a gospel message. The congregation joined in singing “Come Praise the Lord with Me” as the bridesmaids and matrons with their children processed in this order: Natalie Raines, friend of the bride joined Hunter Kendall, brother of the bride; Melissa Kendall, sister-in-law of the bride, with Christian in arm and Taylor in hand, followed by Paton and Avery Kendall joined their husband and father respectively, Maj. Tom Kendall, Jr. M.D., brother of the bride; Ali Kendall, sister-in-law of the bride with Rensley in hand joining husband and father, John-Everett, brother of the bride; Cheri  Jeffords, sister of the bride, with Jack in arm and Oliver in hand joining her husband, their father, Captain Mark Jeffords, M.D.; Kate Allen, sister-in-law of the groom, joining her husband Austin Allen; Christiana Kendall, sister of the bride and Maid of Honor joined Parker Allen, brother of the groom and Best Man.

Prentiss on her daddy’s arm, Dr. Tom Kendall, Sr., came down the aisle singing with the congregation. A marriage covenant was vowed and rings exchanged. Dr. Kendall affirmed the vows and the covenant was signed, followed by the father’s address with the grandfather, Clyde Kendall, adding his blessing in prayer. The charge was given to the bride and groom by Tommy Kendall, Ordained Minister of the Gospel. “O Give Us Homes” was sung by all, and the benediction was given by Chandler’s pastor, Ronnie Batchelor of Knoxville, TN. The wedding party closed by singing “The Lord Bless You and Keep You” to the new married couple.

Besides hundreds of guests witnessing the ceremony were grandparents of the bride, Rev. and Mrs. Clyde Kendall, Sr. and Clyde Harrelson both from Atlanta, GA area, and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Fischer, grandparents of the groom from Fort Worth, TX., as well as many extended family members. The wedding party recessed out to congregational hymn, “Praise to the Lord, the Almighty.”

During an interlude of organ and trumpet duet playing Rondeau, the two sisters who were in the first wedding party made a quick change of skirt and sash for the second wedding. As Emily Shaw Hickey sang “It Was Your Life” accompanied on the piano by Steffani Arnold of Charleston, SC, Dr. and Mrs. Tom Kendall, Sr., parents of the bride, and Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Morton parents of the groom entered and lit the unity candles. The new bride, Prentiss Kendall Allen, harpist, reentered the side to join Audri Vernier Botkin, cellist from Centerville, TN, Melissa McAdams Endres, oboist of Greevnille and Dr. Ed Dunbar, organist, of Greenville, as they played “Gabriel’s Oboe” for the second wedding’s processional. The minister, Maj. Tom Kendall, Jr. M.D. entered with the groom, William Cleveland Morton of Moultrie, GA, followed by the Best Men: Andrew T. Morton, brother of the groom, and Frank G. Campana of Palm Bay, FL, friend of the groom; Groomsmen: Michael B. Morton, Jr., J. Wesley Morton, Samuel Q. Morton, all brothers of the groom from Moultrie, GA; Edgar A. Robert, friend of the groom, from Thomasville, GA; Honorary Junior Groomsman, Edwin O. Morton and Ringbearer Paul W. Morton, brothers of the groom from Moultrie, GA.

The bridesmaids and matrons were the following: Mrs. Catherine Smith of Moultrie, GA, sister of the groom; Mrs. Dorothy Sanders of Goodwater, AL, sister of the groom; Miss Adeline Morton and Miss Martha Morton both of Moultrie, GA, sisters of the groom; Matron of Honor Mrs. Cheri Jeffords of Honolulu, HI, sister of the bride; and Maid of Honor Miss Christiana Kendall of Greenville, SC, also sister of the bride. The bride, Lisë Marie Kendall, wearing her mother’s wedding gown, was escorted in by her father, Dr. Tom Kendall, Sr. and given to her groom. The charge, signifying the redemption of Christ’s first coming, exchange of vows and rings were directed by the minister, Maj. Tom Kendall, Jr. M.D. After the couple lit the unity candle, both fathers spoke of the Family Covenant followed by a benediction from Dr. Jerome Cleveland Cox, grandfather of the groom. The wedding party recessed out to Handel’s “Water Music.”

The guests formed two lines outside leading to the Miller’s Activity Center where the reception was to be held. Both brides and grooms were lead in a promenade by Kenneth Willis on the bagpipes, Matthew Weir on the drum and Wyatt Weir all in kilt attire. Bubbles floating in the air expressed the joy of all as they entered the lovely reception catered by Greenville’s Linda Abrams. The brides threw their bouquets together, and then the Kendall sisters sang a farewell to the remaining guests and parents.

Both couples left in a dash to the two Volkswagens awaiting them. Leaving in a Volkswagon is a Kendall tradition. As Dr. Kendall gave the countdown for the race to depart, Cleveland and Lisë took the lead in the same VW that Lisë’s parents left in 38 years ago. Chandler and Prentiss left in a red convertible VW belonging to Philip Temple of Greenville, SC.