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Thursday, July 18, 2024 - 01:45 AM


First Published in 1994


HeartstepVirtually every family and business in the Upstate is impacted in one way or another by addiction. Law enforcement leaders have said that alcohol and other drugs are factors in a majority of traffic fatalities and serious crime in our community.

Christians know that “All things are possible through Jesus Christ.” They know that the answers to all their problems are contained in their Bible but they don’t always know where to find them.

When Christians are faced with an addicted family member who is being abusive, committing crimes, unreliable as a worker and eventually facing prison, they will usually seek advice and help from their pastor. Unless pastors are familiar with Wisdom in Living Life Ministry, they have little choice but to refer them to a private or government operated treatment facility where they are “treated” and released into the environment they came from. There is an alternative. There is a Christ-Centered, Bible-Based method for ending addiction once and for all that has proven successful for more than a decade. We need it and it needs us. We have an opportunity to take part in a proven effective Bible-based method of changing lives.


Heartstep Foundation, a nonprofit organization located in Greenville has joined hands with Wisdom in Living Life Ministries in order to bring to fruition an essential service to community members “imprisoned by addiction,” and complete a facility that community volunteers and contributors have well underway.

Heartstep is a non-profit foundation with a vision of “Building Community and Changing Lives.” Krista Cogdill is the dynamic Executive Director of the all-volunteer foundation that receives no government funds and has no paid staff or board members.


The focus of the foundation is to serve as a “hub” in the community, connecting people with critical needs with those who have hearts to help, by matching their abilities, services, gifts or time with people that have needs right here in our own back yards.

WSPA Channel 7 is media partner with Heartstep and their targeted areas are Upstate South Carolina, Northeast Georgia and Western North Carolina.

Wisdom in Living Life Ministry focuses on changing the heart first and then changing the life forever. The greatest part of the ministry is that it teaches people imprisoned by addiction how to be free from their addiction and, most importantly, how to experience purpose in life and how to live.


The ministry is currently in the development phase, transitioning from a temporary training center to a fully functional, long-term residential facility where Christians in need of help with addiction can be ministered to on a 24/7/365 basis.

The ministry is debt free and has two modular buildings on forty-five acres of land near Travelers Rest. With the help of caring Christians, the Beyond Recovery Residential Training Center will be completed and operational this year.

For more information go to heartstep.org, click on Beyond Recovery Project and view the brief but informative videos. You will be amazed and blessed by what you see and hear.