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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 03:20 PM


First Published in 1994


Reflection of a summer internship with The Times Examiner

Writing has always been a passion of mine. It is the effect that reading has on the brain that has built my interest with it. While someone is reading, for that brief period of time, they are thinking the writer’s thoughts. As an educated man I value my discernment and value my search for truth. In the beginning writing was a hobby and was used to express my imagination, but now it has become more than that.

As an aspiring fiction writer I felt that furthering my education in writing would be the best way to gain credibility when it was time to acquire a publisher. Attention to my writing while gaining my business degree led me to enroll in the Print Media program at North Greenville University when I moved back to South Carolina. My Grandfather was a student and my step-sister was also enrolled at the time. I like to think that the Lord opened the path for me to continue my education at the university.

It was during my classes that I started to understand the importance of journalism. At first I was irritated with being edited and losing some of the best sentences I thought were in my articles, but I worked past that. I found the different ways to get my points across without using my opinions. It was during this time that my passion for writing and my search for the truth met in beautiful harmony.

As a journalist it is my job to go out and learn. If there is something that needs to be explained, it is my job to go and ask the questions. Personally, I feel very confident that I will inquire and reveal the truth to the best of my abilities. In the belief of my God-given talents I feel that it is my duty to be a truth seeker.

Finishing my class work I was left with the last task of completing an internship. Once again, the Lord opened a door that led me to The Times Examiner. It was within the structure of the paper that I found my fit. As a Christian, it is good to be within an organization that is allowed to speak the truth. Especially with how the world is turning today, it is good to know that there are Biblical principles being upheld in business structures. At The Times Examiner there isn’t the dichotomy that exists in the world where you have to separate your religious belief from your workplace.

In college I was able to gain a little off-campus journalism experience, but it was during my internship that I was able to get out in the public and cover things that matter to the public. My supervisor, Bob Dill, was a great resource of information. It was always good to go out with him on location and see how personable he was with the community. Standing up for what he believes in, Dill has built a paper that is near and dear to his heart. While in the community it is good to see how many people respect the fight that he continues to fight on a weekly basis.

While completing my hours I was able to assist in proofreading stories while gaining education about the layout. My enjoyment came when I was able to go out and cover stories that were important to the community. In covering stories I was gaining more education and understanding while being able to transfer that out to readers. It felt good to be a part of the process.

The experience with The Times Examiner was a good one. I have gained a lot of knowledge about the community I live in by being an active participant. Reporting has enriched who I am and developed a thirst that I will carry on into the future. No matter what happens I know that I will always read the publication and stop by the office to keep in the loop of what is going on in the area I live in. I know for a fact that the truth is researched and given on a weekly basis through this paper. I stand by what comes out of this office and you as a reader can rest assured that Dill is out there every week making sure that you stay informed and that there is a light shed on evil and corruption that is happening in the government and the community. It is the balance of the positive and negative that makes this publication as special as it is.

I want to thank Mr. Dill for the opportunity that he has given me, the knowledge that he has passed down to me, and the service that he blesses the community and his readership with on a weekly basis. By seeing those that stand by him and support the paper inspires me to always fight the good fight. I have truly been given an opportunity that will last a lifetime.