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First Published in 1994


Winn Freeman “The Drug Guy”: Living Example of God’s Power and Grace

Reprint April 4, 2007

“Everybody’s in recovery and nobody’s talking about a cure!”

Winn Freeman believes that those who are imprisoned by addiction don’t have to stay in recovery for the rest of their lives. “You move beyond recovery. That’s where life begins.” He and those who follow his Bible-based training are living examples that it’s training, commitment and discipline, not treatment that leads to a different lifestyle and lasting freedom from addiction to drugs and alcohol.

Freeman, “The Drug Guy,” is a former drug addict and alcoholic who came to South Carolina from the courtrooms and jails of California with a message that individuals and families who are imprisoned by addiction can experience freedom.

The Times Examiner first printed the amazing story of Winn Freeman in December 2005. He had followed God from California to Greenville, South Carolina, graduated from college, volunteered at the Greenville Rescue Mission, became the director of the Mission and oversaw the building of a new, state-of-the-art facility to house the Mission.

Since 1990, Freeman has been carrying a burden in his heart for addicts and a vision of a state-of-the-art Christian based facility where willing addicts may learn to begin a new life. Freeman resigned as director of the Mission in 2000 and stepping out on faith, launched the Wisdom In Living Life Ministry, Inc.

A recent letter from Superior Court Judge Gary Ingle of Kern County, California, summarizes one man’s view of what God has done for Winn Freeman, as he shares his path to total freedom from addiction with others who are willing to make the commitment to follow Bible-based instructions.

“We have known each other a very long time, beginning when I sentenced you to jail back in 1988. You were caught up in a miserable lifestyle of drugs, theft and violence, and had hit rock bottom.

“I was skeptical when you went to South Carolina to go to Holmes Bible College, but nonetheless gratified that you were clean and sober for the time being, and were at least out of Kern County.

“I was totally unprepared for the transformation that seemed to occur quickly in your life, and which was nothing short of miraculous. You were reborn, spiritually, physically, and emotionally.

“You became a new person, who was articulate, intelligent, compassionate, motivated, hard-working, and on fire for the Lord. Your rapid rise to the position of Director of the Greenville Rescue Mission was confirmation of the work that God was doing in and through you.

“I have followed your work in ministry over the years with a sense of admiration and pride, knowing that my encouragement and prayers may have contributed to your success. We have gone from a relationship of ‘Judge to Defendant’ to one of ‘friends and brothers in Christ.’ You have been such a wonderful inspiration to me, and I am a better person for having known you. You have also provided lifesaving help to many others in my community, by giving an opportunity for several local young men to travel to South Carolina to enter your program.

“I have presided over the local drug court here in Shafter for some 12 years now, and have personally witnessed the results of God’s work in the lives of these young men. After over 25 years on the bench, it is these successes, where God uses us to truly transform lives, that make my job meaningful and important to me and my community.

“I am excited about what God has in store for you, your family, and your ministry. The building project you are embarking upon will be a terrific blessing for families in your area, and an effective weapon in the fight against substance abuse. May God continue to bless you, my friend.”

Judge Gary Ingle was referring to the facility being planned for the foothills of northern Greenville County by Winn Freeman and his board of directors, composed of distinguished South Carolinians who understand the urgent need for such a facility and the results achieved by those following the methods advocated by Freeman.

James B. Anthony of the Cliffs Communities has contributed approximately 50 acres of land for the Beyond Recovery Project. Freeman and the ministry board of directors have set a goal of raising 80 percent of the development funds needed before beginning construction of facilities.

In a letter to Freeman confirming his contribution to the project, Anthony states: “I am excited about this project and the progress you have made to date. I look forward to working with you in this worthwhile endeavor.”

Anyone interested in becoming part of this important project may obtain more information by contacting Winn Freeman at (864) 834- 9800.

As the capitol campaign continues for the Beyond Recovery Project, Freeman has aggressively continued to work with individuals and families at the Temporary Training Center in Travelers Rest.

Every Thursday from 6:35 until 7:35 pm, a class is presented by Winn Freeman for adults, titled “Choosing To Be Free.” From 7:45 until 8:30 pm, he presents a training class titled, “Discovering the Victorious Christian Life.” Every Tuesday from 7 to 8 pm, a class titled “Wisdom’s Freedom” Stop Enabling! is presented.

These classes and others are held at the Temporary Training Center located at 12408 Old White Horse Road in Travelers Rest, SC. The telephone number for the Temporary Training Center is (864) 271- HELP (4357).