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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 10:27 AM


First Published in 1994


A grand Olde South Christmas Ball will be held in Greenville at the Greenville Marriott on December 12, beginning with check-in at 6:00 p.m.

The Olde South Ball, formerly held in Augusta, Georgia, has moved to Greenville. Want to re-live the ambiance of the Olde South and dance the old dances of the 1860s? Would you love to experience an evening of glittering hooped ballgowns and dashing uniforms? Then please join us!

Live vintage dance music will be provided by the Blue Ridge Rounders and lovely dinner music will be provided by Joyful Harps.

Please don’t be shy about attending just because you don’t know the dances. You don’t have to know how to dance to participate in 1860s dancing. These dances are ‘called’ dances, meaning we will have a dance master who explains the dance steps, walks everyone through the dance steps before each dance, and then continues to call the steps throughout the dance. Beginners are welcome!! Veterans of 1860s dancing will be very understanding and happy to help you through the steps as well. Please note that a free dance practice will be held the morning of the dance at the F. W. Symmes Branch Library on Pelham Rd. in Greenville at 11:00 a.m.

What should you wear to the Olde South Ball? It is a formal occasion, so please dress up. A  uniform, a sports coat & tie ensemble, a suit, or a tuxedo is acceptable for the men. An 1860s-style ballgown or a modern formal evening ensemble for ladies is acceptable—either floor-length or calf- length is fine. Ladies will be most comfortable and safe when dancing if they wear low-heeled shoes or dressy flats. High heels and slides will be awkward to wear because of the nature of the dances.

If possible, both men and women should bring white wrist-length gloves to wear for dancing. Gloves were part of the proper and expected attire for dancing in the 1860s for both men and women. White gloves are not required if you don’t have them, but if you have the opportunity to acquire gloves, please do.

Do you have young adults who would also be interested in learning the old dances and enjoying a fun and elegant evening? Please feel free to bring them!

Advance tickets are required. Early bird registration is $60 per person and the deadline is October 31. Regular registration after October 31 is $65 per person and the deadline is November 30 or when all tickets are sold. A formal sit-down dinner is included in the ticket price.

You may register by credit card online at: www.oldesouthball.com.  You may also download a registration form from the website if you prefer to pay by check. If you don’t have a computer and need a registration form mailed to you, please call 864-244-2732.

Please mark your calendar now and plan to join us for a wonderful evening! If you have any further questions, please visit:  www.oldesouthball.com or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call  864-244-2732.