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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 11:22 PM


First Published in 1994


Dear Friends,

Last Spring, you heard my announcement that God has me on a new journey called retirement, starting in a few months. My husband and I are excited to see how God will use us in this next season of our lives. The last 26 years of serving as CEO for Piedmont Women’s Center (PWC) has been an exhilarating spiritual adventure! I will miss seeing you at banquets, 5Ks, and when you stop in to visit. I always enjoyed your phone calls and praying for you! But it’s now time to hand over my wonderful relationship with you to another person who will love you, pray with you, and lead this ministry well!

The staff is a wonderful team and works hard to keep this ministry focused on sharing the love of Christ to all of our clients. This will never change. This ministry of Life will continue to grow as long as you stand with them and stand for them. I know we can count on you!

The Executive Search Committee of the Board of Directors of Piedmont Women’s Center would like to announce the new CEO has been hired and will join the staff November 1, 2018.  Please join me in welcoming Mrs. Kelly Ross as the next CEO of Piedmont Women’s Center.

I have personally known Kelly for the last five years. Our friendship has grown tremendously as we share a passion for loving our Lord through pro-life ministries. She has been serving Foothills Care Center in Seneca, SC as their CEO since 2013. Kelly works hard and lives life to the fullest. She has a great laugh and an invigorating work ethic!

The Board and I thought you would enjoy hearing from Kelly as she prepares to join us. She sends you her greetings. (Click below to read Kelly's letter to you.)

Please love her well as you have loved me.

As I leave and she leads, I give God the glory for all the great things he has done and will continue to do in Piedmont Women’s Center!

Because of Christ,

Read a letter from our new CEO - Kelly Ross!