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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 01:13 AM


First Published in 1994


SC Juvenile Justice Students Graduate

More than 135 DJJ students statewide reached a milestone in July many of them never thought possible - walking across the stage on Graduation Day.

DJJ's Birchwood School District held its annual Graduation ceremony for GED and high school diploma recipients. Each student wore the traditional cap and gown as they were recognized for their academic achievement.

Zavion from Horry County participated in this year's ceremony. He is the first in his family to earn a high school diploma.

"People will take anything from you in this world, but they can't take your education," says Moses. "It's so important to get an education."

For many young people like Zavion, positive redirection starts in the classroom.

"Our goal is to see our young people return to their communities with the hard and soft skills needed to build a productive life. Whether it is to go to college or immediately gain quality employment, it starts with Education," explains DJJ Director Freddie Pough. "When many of our youth first come here, they have a low sense of self-worth. They don't believe they can graduate high school, let alone go to college or obtain their dream job. We want to empower them to believe all of those goals are within reach."

Now that Zavion has his high school diploma, he is setting his sights on a college degree. Zavion is currently enrolled in Allen University's Biblical Literature course. The class runs through October at the Broad River Road Complex.

Congratulations to the teachers, administrators and staff across the state who helped students reach this milestone.