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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 03:21 AM


First Published in 1994


CHATHAM, N.J. -- Just Facts, a non-profit research and educational institute, has published a goldmine of facts about social spending. This research contains comprehensive facts about an issue that has major implications for the future of the United States.

Over the past century, government social programs-which provide healthcare, income security, education, nutrition, housing, and cultural services-have grown from a small portion of all government spending to the largest share of it.

Just Facts has compiled a wide array of striking facts about the history, trends, and measures of these programs. These facts are rigorously documented with credible, primary sources, and they speak to crucial questions, such as these:

What portion of all government spending is consumed by social programs?

How much has spending on means-tested welfare programs grown since Democrat President Lyndon B. Johnson declared a "war on poverty?"

In what ways has government shifted the costs of its social policies to the private sector?

Does Social Security save your money and return it to you when you are older?

Does the general welfare clause of the U.S. Constitution grant the federal government broad powers or specific ones?

What was the purpose and outcomes of Franklin Delano Roosevelt's plan to pack the Supreme Court?

How does the government use the tax code to implement its social agenda?

The full research is available at www.justfacts.com/socialspending.asp.


Just Facts is a non-profit research and educational institute committed to high standards of accuracy and reliability. Research from Just Facts has been widely cited by a broad range of academic publications, educational institutions, government entities, media outlets, and think tanks.