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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 05:17 AM


First Published in 1994


COLUMBIA, S.C. – This fall, winter and/or early spring, state and federal fire crews plan to treat up to 75 acres at Table Rock State Park, up to 322 acres at Devils Fork and up to 239 acres at Keowee-Toxaway State Park with controlled burns. Many State Parks have seen decades of fire suppression with years of accumulated combustible fuels. The purpose of these controlled burns is to reduce hazardous forest fuels that cause wildfires and improve habitat conditions for wildlife and recreation.

Safety is our primary concern during any controlled burn. The fire experts assigned to these burns are highly trained and have years of experience protecting communities, themselves and the land they are working to restore. Experienced fire specialists will closely monitor local weather conditions, such as wind, temperature, and humidity, making adjustments in the schedule as needed to insure the safety of local residents and crewmembers. Prior to lighting the burn, crews construct firebreaks to ensure the fire does not leave the burn area. The burns will mimic historic, low intensity natural fires as much as possible.

Trails and roads in and around the parks can be affected during burns. Any closures will be temporary and clearly posted. Because the scheduling of controlled burns is entirely dependent on weather conditions, immediate advance notice is provided only to local fire and law enforcement officials.

Immediately after a controlled burn, the area can look raw and desolate - this is only temporary, as new vegetation soon greens up the forest floor within as little as a few days or weeks.

For more information about these planned burns, please call Table Rock, Devils Fork or Keowee-Toxaway State Parks. Find out more about where other controlled burns on SC State Parks will be this season here . To learn more about controlled burning throughout South Carolina, visit the S.C. Forestry Commission’s website