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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 07:19 AM


First Published in 1994


On Thursday, March 7, 2019, we celebrated what God has done in and through Piedmont Women's Center during the last year and looked forward to what He will do in the coming months.

Check out these banquet highlights below

  • Hearing from keynote speaker Jordan Sekulow
  • Testimony from a Grove client
  • Grove Rd Building update and opening date!
  • Ticket sales for Unplanned movie

PiedmontWomenBanq 2019

Jordan Sekulow, the executive director of the American Center of Law and Justice, shared with us the state of abortion in our country. He emphasized that while Roe vs. Wade may never be overturned, it is the work we do in our clinics at Piedmont Women's Center that can end abortion in Greenville County.

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One client shared her powerful story of finding unexpected hope and joy. When Alison, first walked in our Grove Rd clinic, she didn't expect to the receive love and support that would help her to choose life for her unborn baby. View the full story by clicking here.

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We celebrated the work of Rob Wess who has led the construction of the new Grove Rd medical clinic. Rob has put in many, many months of early mornings, long hours, and weekend work to bring the construction to completion.

Click here to watch a video on the construction of the building!

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On April 2, 2019, we will start seeing clients in the new Grove Rd building. This day is exactly 28 years since we saw our first clients on Grove Rd on April 2, 1991. God is so faithful!