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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 05:17 AM


First Published in 1994


COTU's next meeting will again be held at Pizza Inn located on Ann Street in Pickens on Tuesday May 14th at 7 p.m.

We hope you will attend and bring a friend or two!

Gerald Wilson the Pickens County Administrator will be our guest speaker for the evening, and this is a good opportunity for you to ask any questions related to our county affairs! Special interest is lately is the budget for the upcoming year, taxes, the report in the paper that Haygood Mill is losing money , economic development, protection of private property rights, etc. Get your questions ready!

This meeting will also provide YOU and opportunity to bring up any issues that concern you that you think our group needs to focus on in the upcoming months.

We need to be actively looking for quality Conservative candidates to run against many elected positions in our county and state who are not following CONSERVATIVE values and beliefs. In order to keep Pickens County conservative we can't just continue the status quo as is because progressive ideology is creeping in ...and we have elected employees who claim to be Republicans that don't even attend the Republican Convention or pledge to follow the Republican platform.

Our Azalea Festival Booth was a huge success and we had a sheet full of new email contacts who want to receive our action alert updates and monthly newsletter. And we received 38 live signatures to go along with our over 45 signatures on line to our petition for demanding consequences for those who caused the election malfunction in the District 7 School Board race.

So mark your calendar for May 14th 7pmat Pizza Inn to engage in our discussions to KEEP PICKENS COUNTY the most CONSERVATIVE county in SC. And don't forget to bring friends and neighbors!

There are no dues, but we will be asking for any volunteer donations to help us in our efforts to build the group and send out special mail-outs or to print materials needed to educate the community.