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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 03:21 AM


First Published in 1994


Columbia, SC – There is a reason the Deep State globalists sound so confident about the success of their agenda - they have a secret weapon: More than 85% of American children are being indoctrinated by radicalized government schools. In this explosive talk, Alex Newman exposes the insanity that has taken over the public school system. From the sexualization of children and the re-shaping of values to deliberate dumbing down, Newman shows how dangerous this threat is -- not just to our children -- but to the future of faith, family, and freedom. More importantly, he shares what you and every American can do about it.

Alex has a B.S. degree in journalism from the University of Florida with an emphasis on economics and international relations, as well as an A.A. degree in foreign languages from Miami-Dade College. He is co-author of the book Crimes of the Educators, and currently serves as foreign correspondent for The New American magazine and Advanced Economics teacher at FreedomProject Academy. He is available for media interviews.

“Rescuing Our Children” begins at 7pm on Wednesday May 22nd at the Columbia Evangelical Church, 1013 Barnwell St., Columbia. Light refreshments will be served following the event and ADMISSION IS FREE. PLEASE REGISTER AT USPIE.ORG TO ENSURE YOUR SEAT!

The event is sponsored by Exodus Mandate and United States Parents Involved in Education (USPIE) and its local chapter SC Parents Involved in Education.

Exodus Mandate is a Christian ministry to encourage and assist Christian families to leave Pharaoh’s school system (i.e. government schools) for the Promised Land of Christian schools or home schooling. It is our prayer and hope that a fresh obedience by Christian families in educating their children according to Biblical mandates will prove to be a key for the revival of our families, our churches and our nation.

USPIE is a nonprofit, nationwide coalition of state leaders focused on returning control of education to parents and local communities by eradicating federal intrusion. State leaders from around the country who are fed up with being ignored on education policy have joined forces to abolish the US Education Department and put an end to all federal education mandates.