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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 03:18 AM


First Published in 1994


President Trump is defending Conservative voices in social media. This week, the White House released an initiative that exposes the bias of social media companies. Those who have been targeted because of their views can report their situation by using a tech bias portal.

Social MediaSocial media has become a huge part of American lives. In a recent poll, 68% of people said they frequently or occasionally get their news from social media platforms. This means that Facebook and Twitter have a major influence in culture, mindsets, and even elections. Unfortunately, they have been using their platforms to pander to a liberal agenda.

Both Facebook and Twitter have tried to silence Conservative voices for years. As these incidents happen more frequently, Conservatives are speaking out about it. In February, Justin Haskins from the Heartland Institute was banned from Facebook for posting a video against socialism. In March, Twitter removed a tweet by Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of Susan B. Anthony List, that featured Mother Teresa and her quote, “Abortion is profoundly anti-woman. Three-quarters of its victims are women: Half the babies and all the mothers.” Just this month, Heritage Foundation’s director of media Greg Scott was suspended from Twitter for speaking out against the transgender man who won a women’s weightlifting competition.

A recent leak also exposed Facebook’s intentional targeting against high-profile Conservatives. Black Conservative activist Candace Owens was “mistakenly” suspended from Facebook for seven days due to a post that said, “Black America must wake up to the great liberal hoax. White supremacy is not a threat. Liberal supremacy is.”  On the same day she was banned, a Facebook employee leaked an internal spreadsheet that listed what they called “hate agents” with Candace’s name among them. Their intention was to investigate her and others for using so-called “hate speech”. Facebook can no longer blame their bias on faulty algorithms.

Eagle Forum applauds the President’s efforts to uphold every American’s First Amendment rights. If you have been targeted by a social media platform because of your views, please visit wh.gov/techbias to report that incident.