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Wednesday, July 17, 2024 - 08:12 PM


First Published in 1994



ATLANTA  -- Dr. Alveda King, niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Director of Civil Rights for the Unborn for Priests for Life, today urged Senator and presidential candidate Kirsten Gillibrand to apologize for her recent statement comparing pro-life advocates to racists and urged her to apologize. Her full statement is set forth below:

I was shocked and saddened at the recent comments of presidential candidate Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N. Y., comparing pro-life advocates to racists. As I wrote in Newsmax.com this week, a baby in the womb is a "human being and should have equal rights to life." Gillibrand is supporting abortion, one of the "most heinous forms of racism that exits" that kills "the weakest members of our human race-babies in the womb."

Little babies in the womb, regardless of race, gender, or physical or mental disability, "are people." To defend their right to live is not racism-it is true compassion! That's why it was an honor and a privilege, as a citizen of Georgia, to attend the bill signing ceremony for Georgia's Fetal Heartbeat law which bans abortions when a heartbeat can be detected. I was joined in supporting that bill by the National Black Pro-Life Coalition, a network of organizations and individuals working together to end abortion.

According to Gillibrand's reasoning, me, the black men and women in that and other Black Pro-Life groups are racists. How ridiculous and shameful! After surviving 400 years of slavery and racism in America, we deserve more than abortion. https://dilemma-x.net/2018/01/10/president-trump-signs-400-years-of-african-american-history-commission-act-into-law/

As my friend Clarence McKee wrote in Newsmax.com this week, citing a recent Marist poll showing that 47 percent of Americans are pro-life,  Gillibrand has "insulted nearly half the country." I agree.

Gillibrand should be ashamed of herself for making such insensitive remarks. She owes an apology to babies, Blacks and all pro-lifers-and to God!

Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, added, "When someone has to stoop so low to defend her position on abortion, it is yet another sign that they have completely run out of arguments. The support for abortion that we see in the Democrat party is bankrupt of any logic or persuasive rationale."

Happy Juneteenth and Father's Day!

About Alveda King:

Director of Civil Rights for The Unborn for Priests for Life and author of America Return to God. Evangelist King is a former college professor and served in the Georgia State House of Representatives. She is a recipient of the Life Prize Award (2011), the Cardinal John O'Connor Pro-Life Hall of Fame Award (2011) from the Legatus organization and the Civil Rights Award from Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) (2011). She is a bestselling author; among her books are King Rules: Ten Truths for You, Your Family, and Our Nation to Prosper, How Can the Dream Survive if we Murder the Children? and I Don't Want Your Man, I Want My Own. She is an accomplished actress and songwriter. The Founder of Alveda King Ministries, Alveda is also the recipient of an honorary Doctorate of Laws degree from Saint Anselm College. She has served on several boards, including Heartbeat International, Georgia Right to Life, MLK Center, Bible Curriculum in Public Schools and Abortion Recovery International (ARIN). She is also a member of the National Black Prolife Coalition (NBPC) and is a Senior Fellow with the Howard Center for Family, Religion & Society. Alveda is a regular columnist for Newsmax.com "Insiders" section and a Fox News contributor.


SOURCE Alveda King Ministries