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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 05:22 PM


First Published in 1994


SAN JOSE, Calif. -- USA.Life, the popular conservative alternative to Facebook, says the First Amendment protects "the right of the people peaceably to assemble." Anti-lockdown protesters are "welcome to stand up for God-given rights on USA.Life," said CEO Steven Andrew. This is in response to Facebook banning as "misinformation" posts and pages of protests against stay-at-home rules. USA.Life has a strong community known for American freedom and family values.

"Facebook can't say people standing up for jobs, families seeing each other, and Christian religious liberty are 'misinformation' or not essential," Andrew said. "People have constitutional rights."

"USA.Life is pro-America and respects protesters' God-given rights, but Facebook acts like communist China when they remove anti-lockdown events and information," Andrew said.

"Millions of people are upset about losing jobs, the economy collapsing, and threats of being fined for attending church even while social distancing," Andrew said.

The First Amendment assures Congress shall make no law restricting the freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of press, or the right to petition.

Churches and congregations are in danger from isolation. "Churches have been fined as happened in Mississippi where they followed CDC guidelines to meet or greeted in Kentucky with nails the police scattered on the parking lot with threats to record license plates of church attendees in a drive-in service."

"People who want the economy open and love American freedom, churches, and President Trump supporters will feel at home with a free account on USA.Life social network," Andrew said.

It is well established that Americans cherish our rights. "We don't want to be a communist country, for we are the land of the free and the home of the brave!" Andrew said.

USA.Life is seeing fast growth as "people realize Facebook is wrong to stop groups from following the Constitution to talk about government issues and organize peaceful protests."

"Facebook is attacking the right to assemble via the public square," Andrew said.

To get a free USA.Life social network account, go to www.USA.Life and sign up.

About USA.Life
USA.Life is America's new social network - the answer to Facebook and Twitter censoring Christians, conservatives and liberty. To connect with people, groups, churches and businesses, get a free account at 