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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 05:19 PM


First Published in 1994


Elijah George Movie

WILLIAMSBURG, Va. -- Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness is based on principles America's founding fathers fought and died for during the American Revolutionary War.

"We had always been free and intended to be free always, and the redcoats were in our way." Captain Levi Preston - Battles of Concord and Lexington

Produced by 1663 Media Arts, LLC - Elijah and George - A Revolutionary Tale http://ElijahandGeorge.com is a family-friendly Historical Drama about how the human spirit prevails when threatened with loss of family, freedom and home.

The movie is being made during a time in the United States of America when the laws of the land relating to the personal liberties we all hold dear are being challenged.

Logline: "An impossible adventure begins when a young boy sneaks out of General George Washington's Encampment to find his father, a farmer who joins the American Revolutionary War after the British storm the farmhouse and his wife is killed."

Producer Risa Leigh Clarke shares "The backdrop for 'Elijah and George' follows the American Revolution from Valley Forge through the Battle of Monmouth. The movie is part love story and part American History; action, adventure, drama, some humorous moments and a battle scene! The story is uniting, bringing the audience into the characters struggles and triumphs in what they endure and overcome in the name of freedoms."

"Without films like yours, freedom, as we know it, won't last forever in America." Al Underwood, Horses in Action Foundation

Clarke continues: "While the movie is fictional, I was driven to ensure historical accuracy throughout the story, and feel confident we achieved this vision! Bottom line, my hope is for folks around the country to enjoy an entertaining, thought-provoking movie and leave inspired to learn the truths about the founding of our country and honor those who sacrificed so much for our freedoms."

Elijah & George - A Revolutionary Tale featuring an accurate portrayal of General George Washington is on the cusp of being filmed and need the help of "The People." As an Independent Production they are raising funds through https://www.gofundme.com/f/Elijah-and-George. Watch the trailer and donate what you can. They aim to shoot the movie this summer and release fall 2020 nationwide.