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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 03:24 PM


First Published in 1994


RANCHO SANTA FE, Calif. -- The Britfield Institute's mission is to transform education throughout America, inspire literacy, equip children with the tools to succeed, and bring creativity back into classrooms.

According to the American Federation of Children (May 2020), 40% of enrolled students will not return to school in the fall: not only because of Covid but because of the massive failure of our educational system—parents are waking up. While creativity is the #1 most needed skill in the world, it is not being taught or fostered in our schools. The national economy will fail unless creativity is implemented in our entire educational system.

Our nation has been engulfed in a creativity crisis for over twenty years as creativity scores have steadily declined, just like IQ scores, since 1990, specifically in kindergarten through sixth grade. Since the 1990s, the educational system has aided in the stifling of curiosities and passions, lowered children's future expectations, limited deep thoughts and imagination through forced conformity, and solidified hierarchy.

To stay innovative and competitive, America must continue to attract the world's sharpest minds and invest in its creative sector, because where creativity goes, talent flows and innovation and economic growth will follow. Creativity is the most powerful competitive advantage a child can have, which is why companies need to hire people who know how to foster new ideas and inspire fresh thinking.

Why is Creativity Important?

  • Creativity is polled as the most important skill in the world (LinkedIn)

  • Creativity is one of three top skills in 2020 (WEFR)

  • Creativity was the most desired skill on LinkedIn (Adobe) 

  • 94% of managers consider creativity when hiring candidates (LinkedIn)

  • Creativity is the most important leadership quality (IBM)

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) cannot replace creativity (PMPOV)

Discussion/Article Topics

  • How this crisis will transform business and education

  • The Homeschool Revolution

  • Why creativity is the most important skill in the world

  • Britfield's impact on literacy, creativity and education

The Britfield Institute is committed to bringing creativity into the classroom, promoting literacy, and fostering a child's imagination. As we aim to make an impact across all demographics, we provide students, teachers, educators, leaders and schools the opportunity to read and write with passion while inspiring critical thinking, communication, and collaboration.