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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 03:24 PM


First Published in 1994


David Hobbs To Be Celebrated at Atlanta Recovery Event Sept. 18 -- One Year after National Mockery of
David Hobbs To Be Celebrated at Atlanta Recovery Event Sept. 18 -- One Year after National Mockery of "Weakest Moment"

ATLANTA -- A Mississippi man who was arrested after dressing up as Captain America to commit a break-in has turned real-life hero.

What a difference one year has made for David Hobbs. His very public arrest in Sept. 2019 for burglarizing the shed of an armed former Marine in Clarksdale, Miss.--while comically dressed up in a Captain America costume with padded chest and fairy wings—captured the attention of Newsweek, Los Angeles Times, New York Post and other media, while going viral on social media.

This Sept. 18 at 11:30 AM ET, the laughter will turn to applause for 37-year-old Hobbs. After struggling with drug addiction since he was 15 and amassing multiple arrests, Hobbs will receive a one-year sobriety award during a pastor's conference (https://www.pastoraladdictionsummit.com/) at Good Landing Recovery, the holistic faith-based organization where David received treatment and now helps counsel other addicts. The event is open to working press and will be held at Good Landing's headquarters at 256 McMillan Rd, Dacula, GA 30019.

"So the judge said, 'Okay, if you want to go to rehab, I 'ma let you,'" Hobbs fondly recalled the Mississippi judge who sentenced him to complete a drug rehabilitation program in lieu of serving more jail time. "I've never been to any rehab before in my life. Thirty days come, and you know, I'm like, you know what? I'm gonna stay 60 days, and then, next thing you know, it was 90 days," he said.

David's Comeback Story

Good Landing Founder and CEO Trey Lewis will share David's comeback story (https://www.facebook.com/

goodlandingrecovery/posts/6637550842102320) and present him with the much-anticipated award during the scheduled pastor's conference, designed to inform and educate area leaders "there is addiction in your church, whether you know it or not."

"David came to us at rock bottom. Websites and news outlets around the globe picked up on his moment of weakness and mocked him. Literally millions of people saw his story and laughed—but God..." Lewis remembered, continuing "within just a short time, David's life has come full circle!! He's sober, he's helping others beat addiction and God is getting all the glory! No one is laughing now at this amazing transformation."

"We understand that no addiction is just a physical or mental battle, and it doesn't just affect one person's life. Our goal is a total transformation of each person, inside and out, so we can return them to a healthy, safe, and healing family environment," said Lewis of the unique mission of Good Landing Recovery.

Two Different David Hobbs

Social media ridicule has turned into praise and admiration for Hobbs, who said,"The same people who were writing me off and laughing now 'like' anything I post on Facebook or anything that I'm doing...they're telling me how proud they are of me. Some of those same people are messaging me on Facebook asking me for advice, to help bring other people they know out of addiction."

"God's blessing my life and I want to bless somebody else. The person I was and the person I am are two different people—the person before no longer lives inside me," Hobbs said.

About Good Landing
Good Landing Recovery exists to destroy the power of addiction by creating an atmosphere where God can restore families and lives through the body, spirit, and soul, uses an integrative approach to each person's recovery emphasizes healing and growth in every area of their life. For information, visit 